Making Ends meet!!!


New member
Hi, i am 22 year old male with CF. I was wondering how everyone here on the board makes ends meet Money wise and making it out on your own?? thanx.


New member
I moved out on my own when I was 19. I was in college and had 2 part time jobs plus going to college. I always borrowed extra money from my student loans and put that in the bank to make it through each semester. I am a 3rd year teacher w/ a maters degree now. The more school you have, the more $ you make. It just depends on if you have a good job and great insurance. If I didn't have insurance, I don't know what I would do.
I get a monthly check in the mail from social sercurity. I got approved to be on social security because of my health problems. I recommended that other people that need this income should try and get on it to.


New member
I might have to do that once I get out from under my parent's support. Can you recieve the social security and still be employed? BTW I'm 19/m and with CFCharlie 19/M/CF
Charlie,Im not sure about that if you can get social security and be employed. You will have to check into that with social security okay. Sorry i wish i could answer that for you .~Kelli~


New member
A person can be on social security and work, but you must make under a certain amount of income in order to stay on. You can check out info at or go to your local social security office. Also, after on Social security (I think it is SS disability income) you are then eligible for medicare, which you can stay on for longer if say, you get a job making more money than SS allows. There are also fall back options. You can receive SS and if you go off because of a good paying job you can go back on SS if your health turns bad and you have to stop working. It can be rather confusing, but I do suggest going to your local Social Security agency or checking out the website. I am in the process of transition from college to work, and had to find all this stuff out. I have been on SS for 3 years, and am also on medicare. It was a great help when it comes to college so I didn't have to add the pressure of working along with fulltime school. Hope that helped some, it can be really in-depth stuff -Sarah26w/cf