MALE INFERTILITY WEBSITE-It's up and running!!!


New member
Hello all,

I finally got my website up and running. For all who are interested, please take a look, I would love some feedback. I would be interested to hear if you found the information easy to understand, if you felt the website "flowed" and was easy to navigate. I would love feedback on things you feel might not need to be on the site, or if I should add anything.

Thanks to all,

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
I don't know why the link isn't working

Julie <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


It looks wonderful Julie! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you, I hope it helps diffuse some common questions. I am forwarding the email address onto my IVF doctor and some other offices, just to get the info out there. I hate the fact that doctors say (or at least what was told to my husband when he was about 16) "oh, by the way you won't ever be able to have kids because of your CF and the fact that you have no vas deferens". Nothing about, "but there are medical procedures that can assist with having a biological child...". Ovbiously teens are still being told what my husband was told 7 years ago because they are still coming on here with questions about it.

Thanks for the feedback,



New member
Just a misspelling, i think you meant "one" instead of "on"

" In each pair, on chromosome is contributed by the mother, the other by the father."


New member

The site is awesome. Some anonymous doc posted on one of the sexual question topics what ped. docs should do differently and I suggested a website so you don't have to have the conversation with the doc. I suggest you go on those two threads and see which one it is and post your link. On the patterns of inheritance, it's a bit confusing; I thought you could do it like they do a biological pedigree with a key and the traditional pedigree symbols. I would be happy to do one and email it to you, lemme know.


PS- I am a bio major in college, so I'm not an amateur at them; it'll look nice!


New member
David, I would love to take you up on your idea. I pretty much just copied what was in one of the CF books I have (not a bio. book) and didn't really have any idea of how else to do it. If you can email it to me when you put it together that would be great., and I will correct that spelling error, thanks for pointing that out to me.



New member

No problem! I will try working on that ASAP. I have a lot of hockey so, it might take a week or so--sorry! Anything else you need help on?



New member
That's fine, I can just add it to the site when you email it to me. As far as I know, I am pretty good on everything else-unless you see there is something else that I need to fix. Thank you so much for your offer!



New member
In other fertility news, I just found out that I can make babies the old-fashioned way...44 million little ones per mL! I guess I am in that 1% who do not have the vas deferens issues. I am now a freak of nature in the cf community <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> but please don't shun me... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> I must now go knock on a bunch of wood that my girlfriend has not become pregnant

S/M/27 w/cf


New member
Wow, you should feel very special (or at least in the future when you want to have kids). Men with the Delta F 508 mutation are the #1 leaders of the male infertility issue associated with CF. That is very rare, but I know you will appreciate it if/when you do want to start a family!

Thanks for sharing that info with me, it's always nice to hear both sides!
