I know most men with CF are infertile but there are some things I'm not totally clear about.
During sex or masturbation, should infertile men with CF have any ejaculate? I ask because I do have ejaculate that seems to me to be relatively normal-looking but there isn't much volume to it.
Maybe I was sleeping during anatomy class, but I do ejaculate a small amount of sticky/gooey substance during orgasm but I'm not sure if this is actually sperm or some other substance. I haven't gotten my ejaculate tested, so I figured I'd post here and ask the following:
if you are a male with CF that has had a sperm test and knows for sure you are infertile, when you have sex or masturbate do you expel ANY ejaculate after climax? if so, does it appear to be like "normal" male ejaculate as far as volume and viscosity/gooiness?
if any males are not infertile, what is the approximate volume of the ejaculate? in teaspoons, please. Even if it's only a very small amount, e.g. 1 hlf teaspoon or 1/4th teaspoon.
I'm not totally sure if my vas deferens are blocked, partially blocked, or if my ejaculate is some other fluid that comes from somewhere besides the testicles. There definitely is a transparent, grayish goo. I just want to know if it contains sperm and if males who know they're infertile are able to produce sticky ejaculate.
I know it's very personal, but I appreciate honest replies. Thanks.
During sex or masturbation, should infertile men with CF have any ejaculate? I ask because I do have ejaculate that seems to me to be relatively normal-looking but there isn't much volume to it.
Maybe I was sleeping during anatomy class, but I do ejaculate a small amount of sticky/gooey substance during orgasm but I'm not sure if this is actually sperm or some other substance. I haven't gotten my ejaculate tested, so I figured I'd post here and ask the following:
if you are a male with CF that has had a sperm test and knows for sure you are infertile, when you have sex or masturbate do you expel ANY ejaculate after climax? if so, does it appear to be like "normal" male ejaculate as far as volume and viscosity/gooiness?
if any males are not infertile, what is the approximate volume of the ejaculate? in teaspoons, please. Even if it's only a very small amount, e.g. 1 hlf teaspoon or 1/4th teaspoon.
I'm not totally sure if my vas deferens are blocked, partially blocked, or if my ejaculate is some other fluid that comes from somewhere besides the testicles. There definitely is a transparent, grayish goo. I just want to know if it contains sperm and if males who know they're infertile are able to produce sticky ejaculate.
I know it's very personal, but I appreciate honest replies. Thanks.