My husband and I started dating when he was 15, I was 17. We had a really good relationship, but he never quite "got it" - the being tired sometimes, sick, etc. After 3.5 years we took a break. During that time, he got Lymes disease, experienced paralysis (thankfully not permanant!), and all sorts of complications. We got back together a couple of years later, and guess what? He UNDERSTOOD my illness now......totally. Made for a completely new relationship. We were married within a year, now its been 15 years and counting with two kids. I think it is a rare person who will truly understand what you are going through unless they have been through a traumatic illness themselves or helped a loved one through it already. Anyone else have an opinion on this? I think that at some point you have to put your chips on the table and take the risk. Let it be his choice too, dont make it unilateral, be honest. I think it would be a mistake to cut yourself off emotionally from a potentially wonderful relationship/future because it may be shorter than anyone planned. Healthy folks die in car accidents or from stupid stuff all the time, you cant control that, nothing is ever perfect. What you can control is your outlook on life and the choices you make that will lead to happiness. Lots of hugs to you, I know from experience how very difficult this can be. Please live for the future. Not in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to be married to an incredible man, have 2 amazing daughters, and reach my 40th birthday.......