Both of my children have been admitted three times for IV's. It is very challenging, but the IV's more often than not solve the problems our kids are having with their lungs. You should expect your daughter to stop coughing and her lung function to significantly improve. So while a hospital stay is not what you want for anyone, it does end up helping your daughter get over her coughing and get back to her baseline. One thing you could really push for is home IV's after she goes in for a few days. It makes a world of difference to be home. Also make sure she get the IV balls. It is almost like they are not on IV's because they can run around as usual and go out during the IV's and no one knows. There is a chance though since she had crackling that they would want her to stay in the hospital until they can see she is getting better. I was told my daughter had the thickening you were referring to.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 8 and Jack, 6 both with cf, Grant, 1 year no cf
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 8 and Jack, 6 both with cf, Grant, 1 year no cf