Marcy's Story


New member
Hi everyone and thank you soooo much for the warm welcomes.
 It is wonderful to see how active this board is.<br>
Several of you asked about my story so here it is:<br>
I had a very healthy childhood.  I do not recall ever being
sick other than chicken pox and having a cold once a year.
 Nothing to make my parents question my health.  I was
(and still am over weight) so I did have a bit of a breathing
problem when I was in PE or running a lot-but I was always told it
was because I was over weight and out of shape.<br>
So life went on and in my early 20's my Mom passed away.  I
began to be sick more often. Lots of upper respitory type things
and also a nose full of polyps (that disappeared completely-and
never had them again.) I thought part of my breathing problems were
I was going out to dance clubs and in Louisiana you can smoke
anywhere, so I figured I was breathing in lots of smoke (Not to
mention the occasional cigarette I would smoke with a beer)Soooo,
life again went on and I was working in Down town New Orleans at a
Travel company.  It was my job to wine and dine the clients so
they would bring their international groups to New Orleans and let
our company plan their stay-(Lots of limos, eating and late nights)
well one day I was walking to a event and my ankle became swollen 4
times its size.  My boss immediately sent me to the hospital.
 They checked for blood clots etc and I was fine, however I
had serious scarring in my lungs.  The Doctor came running out
into the waiting room histerical that she had NEVER seen anything
like it in her life and I needed to see a specialist immediately.
 So I did.  I found out that I had Chronic Bronchitis. He
did a bronch scope and found that I had a microbaterium chelonea.
(Spelling?) He also told me he wasn't sure how long I would live?
QUITE A QUACK!! Needless to say I didn't go to him very long.
 And to make long story short I saw 8 more doctors before it
dawned on one to test me for CF.  And sure enough 2 sweat test
came back positive-very low positive. My genetic test came back
that I have ( Delta F 508) and the other one is a very rare
mutation (A455E). I was told his is the reason I have no pancreatic
disease and look very healthy. That my CF is mild.  Amazingly
enough, my husband and I had been trying to have a baby for 3
years.  The day I found out I had CF was 3 days before I was
to start invetro. And for my husband and I there was no question
that we wanted put my health in any jeopardy. So we adopted 4
beautiful children, through Children and Families in our state. It
has been the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us!!!
We have 4 beautiful healthy children. 2 boys-12 and 10 and 2 girls
8 and 7.<br>
 Well, then my PFTs were like 69.  I had been very
healthy. Well, the last few visits my Dr wont let me do the PFT
because it upsets me so much,I get my self all worked up and
immediately sick.  The last time I did it was 31-up from the
time before at 28. There is no explanation why it has changed so
drastically. ( Personally think it is my weight-so I have been
working on it) My weight is up and down (I usually am around
240-250)  At the time it fell, I had lost a bunch of weight. I
don't need oxygen.<br>
Right now I am feeling good.  A little limited when I do alot
of walking. I do cough alot of ugly junk up.  Laying down has
become a pain because I cough and cough. My meds are: I do my
vest and pulmozyme. I use my albuterol pump if I need it (But it
never does much for me) I also take Musinex. I also take an anti
inflammatory that I cannot seem to  function without.  I
am definitely not the text book picture of a CFer-when I go to
clinic or was in the hospital (only hospitalized 1 time for 4 days)
people would just come in and stare at me as if I were a purple and
pink polka dotted dinosaur and was extinct for 3000 years.
So that is my story.  I would love to hear your feed
Best wishes to all of you!!!<br>
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the
moments that take your breath away."<br>


New member
Thanks for sharing. That's so great about your kids-what a nice story. I'ts so funny, I'm hearing of more and more people getting DX'd as older patients. It's interesting for me to read about you, b/c until I came to this site, I never knew that happened.
Love your signature quote, by the way.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Look forward to hearing more about you.


New member
Hey Christian,<br>
The first year after diagnosis, I really thought I was the only
Adult CFer in the South.  It is amazing the amount of people
that are being diagnosed as adults.  A lady that goes to my Dr
was diagnosed  at 65.  Its amazing.<br>


Digital opinion leader
Hi Marcy,

Did they ever decide whether or not you have chelonea? If so, how did they treat it?


New member
Hey Jane,<br>
Well, I did antibiotics for a while, but I wonder if I did them
long enough.  You would think when do spew cultures  it
would have shown up if it was still there.  They say that is
very common for people to culture that grew up living along the
Mississippi River-and I grew up 3 blocks from it.  Do you know
anything about it? Is it something I should bring up to my Dr as I
never get relief from discolored sputum.  (Too much info,
right?haha  The things Cfers can discuss <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"><br>


New member
Hi Marcy Welcome to this forum,

sounds like you have a wonderful life.

My friend was diagnosed at age 54 and then she received her transplant a year later. You cannot tell she has CF. Her fingernails look normal. CF affects everyone so differently.


New member
This may sound silly, but you mentioned in your last post that your
friends finger nails look normal. I know peoples fingers club with
Cf, but do your finger nails change too??<br>
Thanks Marcy


New member
This may sound silly, but you mentioned in your last post that your
friends finger nails look normal. I know peoples fingers club with
Cf, but do your finger nails change too??<br>
Thanks Marcy


New member
Hi Marcy

Welcome to this site<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Do you mean after transplant do my fingernails change shape? My clubbing was very mild but I did notice the color change instantly when I awoke from the transplant surgery. Pink at last. The shape has looks normal to me now.


New member
I didnt realize you ment after transplant.  I was asking if
your nails change because I notice mine have changed some.
 And my Drs argued with each other if I have some slight
clubbing-I never really got an answer.  Mine dont look clubbed
to me, I was just wondering if your nails change shape when your
fingers begin to club.<br>


New member
Thanks for shareing your story Marcy--you should put it in a blog so future people could look up about you. How neat that you adopted--what special parents you and your husband are! I look forward to hearing more from you!


New member
Hey Kayleesgrandma,<br>
I will definately put my story in a blog, if I could ever figure it
out-haha. I tried but failed, I will try again after work
I was wondering if you have Cf or a carrier?<br>
Best wishes<br>


New member
Interesting to see the amount of people being diagnosed late in
life, is that a symptom of improving lifestyles, e.g., diet
conscious, or an awareness of the evils of drink and cigarettes, or
just the fact that most general practitioners are getting lazy and
or stupid????<br>
Vincent, 34 Cfer, Diagnosed at 3 months old.


New member
Hey Vincent,<br>
I think in my case, I had a very healthy childhood and because I am
a over weight woman, none of the 8 specialist I saw thought to test
me.  When I moved to FLorida I had to find a new Dr and the
first thing he did was test me.<br>


New member
Hey Vincent,<br>
I think in my case, I had a very healthy childhood and because I am
a over weight woman, none of the 8 specialist I saw thought to test
me.  When I moved to FLorida I had to find a new Dr and the
first thing he did was test me.<br>