


actually it works best if u put it into your nebulizer with some sterile saline and inhale it's potent mist, goes staight to the sinuses and gives u a great buzz......try it troy and let us know how it worked, also my supply is getting low, it there anyone out there that could send me some since this board is so full of pot heads


New member
Troy, go back several days on this foreum and find the threads about this. Otherwise we have hashed( which by the way is very good) and re-hashed this subject to death. Please refer to the old psts.


New member
Troy, go back several days on this foreum and find the threads about this. Otherwise we have hashed( which by the way is very good) and re-hashed this subject to death. Please refer to the old psts.


New member
Troy, go back several days on this foreum and find the threads about this. Otherwise we have hashed( which by the way is very good) and re-hashed this subject to death. Please refer to the old psts.


New member
hehe ok sory, I am new to this forums and havnt looked more then 1 or 2 pages back, didnt mean to bring up sumtin that was just discussed.


New member
hehe ok sory, I am new to this forums and havnt looked more then 1 or 2 pages back, didnt mean to bring up sumtin that was just discussed.


New member
hehe ok sory, I am new to this forums and havnt looked more then 1 or 2 pages back, didnt mean to bring up sumtin that was just discussed.