Hi Randkat,
I know both meds. Marinol I did not like because it would cause the symptoms we wanted while I would be asleep 'out of it' because of it. Of course I am not a child. ANd Periactin I am well aware of it, because they tried to shove it like aspiring down in me at the hospital for so long. I cannot cope with it because it causes severe dehyration and drowsiness. It's an antihistamine, it does dope you up per say for many hours, and I find that I cannot function like that. HOwever it does help bring some appetite back, and so do other natural remedies. (spices like cloves, nutgmeg, cinammon and cardamom do bring appetite back). I became 'hungry for food' again when I tried a Scandinavian drink called "glogg' its a winter European drink made of the spices I mention and its heated up so one warms up and it did the trick for me during winter. I got so hungry I baked and cooked till I dropped. I managed to gain 12 lbs in 3 months after going down to 88lbs earlier. If you want my honest opinion, I'd not give my child marinol. And I would try first the natural rememdies before getting into antihistamines because they do mess up one's schedule badly. Now a child is different , and if they can sleep all day and wake up to eat and fall back asleep that may add weight , sure. but Periactin like many other medications (antihistamines) have its downfall too.
I have posted another post under Milly's post. I talk how i found a magical response to stay hydrated and slippery mucus coming out easier, when I drink SOLE (a brine made of hymalayan cristal salt) and Coconut Water super high in potassium content. I will be back tomorrow to write more. I am writing a book bout my 47yrs with CF and mostly hollistic approach has kept me going, and yes FOODS DO HELP C.F. organic foods and certain types. I found the diet regime that helps c.f. avoid all the abdominal pains without the many pills usually prescribed. The ony thing I have not found is a cure for the killingh of bacteria. That does have to be thru i.v. antibiotics.
AGAIN I BEILEVE YR CHILDREN CAN AND WILL HAVE PROBLEMS FROM MARINOL (I cannot believe it was prescribed to an 8yr old). And periactin well if I don't take it I have good reasons. I have 3 jars full of them that I never took. It makes me feel groggy and sleepy and erratic all day long. I find it hard to belive that children should take these meds.