Maritza is home


New member
Needless to say we did not have a very good memorial day weekend.

I took Maritza in to the walk in clinic on sunday and the doctor there told me she had a cold and that I was overmedicating her. I did not listen to him and I had her pediatrician paged when I got home. I finaly talked to her at 11pm on sunday night and she said that she wanted her to do BT's every 4hrs and to call her the next day. I did not call her because her breathing got worse so I just took her to the ER. They got her right back and we seen a doc within 15 min. I think just because it was a holiday and there was nobody in the waiting room when I got there. Anyways he had her do 3 BT's gave her steroids and gave her IV fluids and nothing helped so they admited her. Her ox level was fine but they put her on oxygen anyways because she was having such a hard time breathing and her heart rate was up. She is doing better now but she still does not want to eat or drink anything. Her doc wants to see her tomorrow and may put her back on IV fluids if she is not drinking by then.

I was told my almost everyone her listened to her that she doesent really sound wheezy she just sounds junky or crackly. Right now there are still just saying athsma so I was wondering how lungs sound with people with cf? They did a chest xray and I was told that it was normal.


New member
Needless to say we did not have a very good memorial day weekend.

I took Maritza in to the walk in clinic on sunday and the doctor there told me she had a cold and that I was overmedicating her. I did not listen to him and I had her pediatrician paged when I got home. I finaly talked to her at 11pm on sunday night and she said that she wanted her to do BT's every 4hrs and to call her the next day. I did not call her because her breathing got worse so I just took her to the ER. They got her right back and we seen a doc within 15 min. I think just because it was a holiday and there was nobody in the waiting room when I got there. Anyways he had her do 3 BT's gave her steroids and gave her IV fluids and nothing helped so they admited her. Her ox level was fine but they put her on oxygen anyways because she was having such a hard time breathing and her heart rate was up. She is doing better now but she still does not want to eat or drink anything. Her doc wants to see her tomorrow and may put her back on IV fluids if she is not drinking by then.

I was told my almost everyone her listened to her that she doesent really sound wheezy she just sounds junky or crackly. Right now there are still just saying athsma so I was wondering how lungs sound with people with cf? They did a chest xray and I was told that it was normal.


New member
Needless to say we did not have a very good memorial day weekend.

I took Maritza in to the walk in clinic on sunday and the doctor there told me she had a cold and that I was overmedicating her. I did not listen to him and I had her pediatrician paged when I got home. I finaly talked to her at 11pm on sunday night and she said that she wanted her to do BT's every 4hrs and to call her the next day. I did not call her because her breathing got worse so I just took her to the ER. They got her right back and we seen a doc within 15 min. I think just because it was a holiday and there was nobody in the waiting room when I got there. Anyways he had her do 3 BT's gave her steroids and gave her IV fluids and nothing helped so they admited her. Her ox level was fine but they put her on oxygen anyways because she was having such a hard time breathing and her heart rate was up. She is doing better now but she still does not want to eat or drink anything. Her doc wants to see her tomorrow and may put her back on IV fluids if she is not drinking by then.

I was told my almost everyone her listened to her that she doesent really sound wheezy she just sounds junky or crackly. Right now there are still just saying athsma so I was wondering how lungs sound with people with cf? They did a chest xray and I was told that it was normal.


New member
Needless to say we did not have a very good memorial day weekend.

I took Maritza in to the walk in clinic on sunday and the doctor there told me she had a cold and that I was overmedicating her. I did not listen to him and I had her pediatrician paged when I got home. I finaly talked to her at 11pm on sunday night and she said that she wanted her to do BT's every 4hrs and to call her the next day. I did not call her because her breathing got worse so I just took her to the ER. They got her right back and we seen a doc within 15 min. I think just because it was a holiday and there was nobody in the waiting room when I got there. Anyways he had her do 3 BT's gave her steroids and gave her IV fluids and nothing helped so they admited her. Her ox level was fine but they put her on oxygen anyways because she was having such a hard time breathing and her heart rate was up. She is doing better now but she still does not want to eat or drink anything. Her doc wants to see her tomorrow and may put her back on IV fluids if she is not drinking by then.

I was told my almost everyone her listened to her that she doesent really sound wheezy she just sounds junky or crackly. Right now there are still just saying athsma so I was wondering how lungs sound with people with cf? They did a chest xray and I was told that it was normal.


New member
Needless to say we did not have a very good memorial day weekend.
<br />
<br />I took Maritza in to the walk in clinic on sunday and the doctor there told me she had a cold and that I was overmedicating her. I did not listen to him and I had her pediatrician paged when I got home. I finaly talked to her at 11pm on sunday night and she said that she wanted her to do BT's every 4hrs and to call her the next day. I did not call her because her breathing got worse so I just took her to the ER. They got her right back and we seen a doc within 15 min. I think just because it was a holiday and there was nobody in the waiting room when I got there. Anyways he had her do 3 BT's gave her steroids and gave her IV fluids and nothing helped so they admited her. Her ox level was fine but they put her on oxygen anyways because she was having such a hard time breathing and her heart rate was up. She is doing better now but she still does not want to eat or drink anything. Her doc wants to see her tomorrow and may put her back on IV fluids if she is not drinking by then.
<br />
<br />I was told my almost everyone her listened to her that she doesent really sound wheezy she just sounds junky or crackly. Right now there are still just saying athsma so I was wondering how lungs sound with people with cf? They did a chest xray and I was told that it was normal.


New member
I don't know how much this will help you but Ellie hardly ever sounds wheezy. Her breathing is usually normal but when it's acting up it mainly sounds junky and crackly. When she is antibiotics it is because she is congested and and has a productive (wet cough). The doctors do believe that Ellie might have ashhma as well, but not sure yet. She usually doesn't have a cough unless she has a bug of some sort.


New member
I don't know how much this will help you but Ellie hardly ever sounds wheezy. Her breathing is usually normal but when it's acting up it mainly sounds junky and crackly. When she is antibiotics it is because she is congested and and has a productive (wet cough). The doctors do believe that Ellie might have ashhma as well, but not sure yet. She usually doesn't have a cough unless she has a bug of some sort.


New member
I don't know how much this will help you but Ellie hardly ever sounds wheezy. Her breathing is usually normal but when it's acting up it mainly sounds junky and crackly. When she is antibiotics it is because she is congested and and has a productive (wet cough). The doctors do believe that Ellie might have ashhma as well, but not sure yet. She usually doesn't have a cough unless she has a bug of some sort.


New member
I don't know how much this will help you but Ellie hardly ever sounds wheezy. Her breathing is usually normal but when it's acting up it mainly sounds junky and crackly. When she is antibiotics it is because she is congested and and has a productive (wet cough). The doctors do believe that Ellie might have ashhma as well, but not sure yet. She usually doesn't have a cough unless she has a bug of some sort.


New member
I don't know how much this will help you but Ellie hardly ever sounds wheezy. Her breathing is usually normal but when it's acting up it mainly sounds junky and crackly. When she is antibiotics it is because she is congested and and has a productive (wet cough). The doctors do believe that Ellie might have ashhma as well, but not sure yet. She usually doesn't have a cough unless she has a bug of some sort.


Staff member
DS tended to get more wheezy when he was a baby when he came down with an upper respiratory virus. More recently, he tends to get more of a bronchitis sort of cough when he's sick. And he's usually been given an antibiotic -- such as cipro when he's more symptomatic and we increase his nebs and cpt to 4-5 times a day.

I realize she's older, but did they test her for RSV? It's my understanding that RSV involves a LOT of snot (sorry if TMI) and can cause asthma-like symptoms...


Staff member
DS tended to get more wheezy when he was a baby when he came down with an upper respiratory virus. More recently, he tends to get more of a bronchitis sort of cough when he's sick. And he's usually been given an antibiotic -- such as cipro when he's more symptomatic and we increase his nebs and cpt to 4-5 times a day.

I realize she's older, but did they test her for RSV? It's my understanding that RSV involves a LOT of snot (sorry if TMI) and can cause asthma-like symptoms...


Staff member
DS tended to get more wheezy when he was a baby when he came down with an upper respiratory virus. More recently, he tends to get more of a bronchitis sort of cough when he's sick. And he's usually been given an antibiotic -- such as cipro when he's more symptomatic and we increase his nebs and cpt to 4-5 times a day.

I realize she's older, but did they test her for RSV? It's my understanding that RSV involves a LOT of snot (sorry if TMI) and can cause asthma-like symptoms...


Staff member
DS tended to get more wheezy when he was a baby when he came down with an upper respiratory virus. More recently, he tends to get more of a bronchitis sort of cough when he's sick. And he's usually been given an antibiotic -- such as cipro when he's more symptomatic and we increase his nebs and cpt to 4-5 times a day.

I realize she's older, but did they test her for RSV? It's my understanding that RSV involves a LOT of snot (sorry if TMI) and can cause asthma-like symptoms...


Staff member
DS tended to get more wheezy when he was a baby when he came down with an upper respiratory virus. More recently, he tends to get more of a bronchitis sort of cough when he's sick. And he's usually been given an antibiotic -- such as cipro when he's more symptomatic and we increase his nebs and cpt to 4-5 times a day.
<br />
<br />I realize she's older, but did they test her for RSV? It's my understanding that RSV involves a LOT of snot (sorry if TMI) and can cause asthma-like symptoms...


New member
She was not tested for rsv that I know of. They did do a cbc and 2 others but I'm not sure what they were. She was not on antibiotics this time just a steroid and BT's. She seems to be doing better today. She is eating and drinking now but she still sounds bad. She is breathing a lot better though. She has a dr. apt. at 3 so we will see how she is doing then.


New member
She was not tested for rsv that I know of. They did do a cbc and 2 others but I'm not sure what they were. She was not on antibiotics this time just a steroid and BT's. She seems to be doing better today. She is eating and drinking now but she still sounds bad. She is breathing a lot better though. She has a dr. apt. at 3 so we will see how she is doing then.


New member
She was not tested for rsv that I know of. They did do a cbc and 2 others but I'm not sure what they were. She was not on antibiotics this time just a steroid and BT's. She seems to be doing better today. She is eating and drinking now but she still sounds bad. She is breathing a lot better though. She has a dr. apt. at 3 so we will see how she is doing then.


New member
She was not tested for rsv that I know of. They did do a cbc and 2 others but I'm not sure what they were. She was not on antibiotics this time just a steroid and BT's. She seems to be doing better today. She is eating and drinking now but she still sounds bad. She is breathing a lot better though. She has a dr. apt. at 3 so we will see how she is doing then.


New member
She was not tested for rsv that I know of. They did do a cbc and 2 others but I'm not sure what they were. She was not on antibiotics this time just a steroid and BT's. She seems to be doing better today. She is eating and drinking now but she still sounds bad. She is breathing a lot better though. She has a dr. apt. at 3 so we will see how she is doing then.