Median Age


New member

My name is Jen and we go to the Denver clinic. They had a meeting where all the data with the statistics was released across the nation, including Denver and Minnesota. Ask Dr. Accurso and he will get you a copy. We also went to Minnesota to speak with Dr. Warwick and the difference was the amount of time they use the vest. Now Maya is on the vest 2 times a day for 35 minutes instead of once for 15 minutes. You can email me at jenirein@yahoo. com for specifics on their recommendations. PS My daughter is 5 and healthy.


New member
Melissa - That is great your son is in the 97th percentile!!! Is that in height and weight? I've heard good things about the Denver clinic, right now, moving is just a thought a few years down the road.


New member
Melissa - That is great your son is in the 97th percentile!!! Is that in height and weight? I've heard good things about the Denver clinic, right now, moving is just a thought a few years down the road.


New member
Melissa - That is great your son is in the 97th percentile!!! Is that in height and weight? I've heard good things about the Denver clinic, right now, moving is just a thought a few years down the road.


New member
Hi Misty,

That is my son's height/weight. Thankfully for him he comes from a bigger size family (Hee Hee). But not so good for the bigger folks in the family without CF. It is comforting that he is in such a high percentile because right now we have been dealing with him having the stomach flu-and I am not too concerned that he is going to lose too much weight.

1son Caleb 20 mos 97th percentile!


New member
Hi Misty,

That is my son's height/weight. Thankfully for him he comes from a bigger size family (Hee Hee). But not so good for the bigger folks in the family without CF. It is comforting that he is in such a high percentile because right now we have been dealing with him having the stomach flu-and I am not too concerned that he is going to lose too much weight.

1son Caleb 20 mos 97th percentile!


New member
Hi Misty,

That is my son's height/weight. Thankfully for him he comes from a bigger size family (Hee Hee). But not so good for the bigger folks in the family without CF. It is comforting that he is in such a high percentile because right now we have been dealing with him having the stomach flu-and I am not too concerned that he is going to lose too much weight.

1son Caleb 20 mos 97th percentile!