medical records


New member
does it cost anything to get a copy of your medical records???? id like to have a copy for myself but not sure if it would cost anything, i know the file is pretty thick... thanks for the imput


New member
By law you are entitled to one free copy of your medical chart every year. After that first free copy they can charge you a "handling fee" which can run anywhere from $10-35, and a charge per page, if I remember correctly it was .15 cents a page in 2002. I get my free copy once a year from the doctor, and then every time I have a visit, I request that they mail me the chart note once it is typed up. That way I would always have an updated copy of my last visit.

If you are seeing another doctor (second opinion, moving...) they have to send copies to that doctor for free but ususally you have to fill out a form from the requesting doctors office and it also has to be mailed to their place of business.



New member
ok so even if the file is really thick they still have to do the one free copy a yr??? he is 3 and ive never gotten a copy of his records but id like to start.. thanks


New member
Yes, by law when HIPPA went into effect in April 2003 you are entitled to one free copy of your medical record every year. If they give you any problems about it, I would do a search online about HIPPA and entitlements to copies of your medical record. But yes, even if it's like 400 pages they have to copy it for free for you.

Now as far as requesting that they send you copies of chart nots from every visit (like I requested from our doc that they mail it to me), I don't know if that is covered by the HIPPA law, but if they do make the copy of the chart, I don't see the harm in asking if you can also have a copy of every visit that he has subsequently throughout the year. Weather you pick them up, or they mail them to you-I don't think it would hurt to ask once they copy the chart.

Good luck,



New member

I work in a law office where I deal with medical records every day. Yes, they have to give you a copy if you request once a year for FREE. I believe the copying rate is up to .20 a page after that first initial request and sometimes it depends on the hospital or dr's office you are requesting from. You will still have to fill out a request form. Most of them require a witness signature or notary, so next time you are in, just ask for a medical authorization form for the records and fill it out there in front of them. If you have any problems, just get on line for the HIPPA regulations, BUT you should not have any problems at all. Most facilities are pretty good at getting them to you. ALSO, by law they have 30 days from the date of request to get them to you. If you are getting them from a physican at a private facility, it usually does not take that long, BUT with a hospital or MUCH BIGGER facility, sometimes it can take up to 30 days or more. Also, if your child has been in the hospital then the regular physician will have those records as well.

Hope the info helps.


New member
ok i went into the dr's office and filled out the form to get my sons medical records.. this is the first time ive requested a copy of his records.. i was told that it would be 1.75 for the first page and 50 cents a page there after but they said that they couldnt charge me over 10.00 so pretty much that means its gonna cost me 10.00 to get his records....


New member
I work at a hospital so I am going to contact our PR and hippa department and inquire about this. If you do pay, and they are in the wrong make sure they refund you. If I was wrong, I do apologize in advance. I will get back to you on what I find.



New member
its fine if your I was just letting you know what i found out.. and i dont want to pay unless i have to 10 bucks is 10bucks... so if you find out other wise just let me know.. i dont mind paying if i have to his file is really thick i just wanted to do this now that way i can jsut at to it as time goes on....thanks for all of your help...



New member

It looks as though I errored. I guess every medical clinic can impose charges if they like and create their own rules within the realm or the law. I found this online today:
If patients request copies of their medical records as permitted by the Privacy Rule, are they required to pay for the copies?

The Privacy Rule permits the covered entity to impose reasonable, cost-based fees. The fee may include only the cost of copying (including supplies and labor) and postage, if the patient requests that the copy be mailed. If the patient has agreed to receive a summary or explanation of his or her protected health information, the covered entity may also charge a fee for preparation of the summary or explanation. The fee may not include costs associated with searching for and retrieving the requested information. See 45 CFR 164.524.

Sorry about that, but at least they are only charging you $10. Working in a medical office before, I have seen charges as high as $200.

Good luck,



New member
I always ask for an extra copy of what ever paper printout or whatever from my docs and nurses for my own records. They usually don't mind at all. That way I have my own record of my PFT's ect. I've even been given x-ray films to take home.
23 w/ CF
you can't get a copy, but you could sign a form at the hospital and then you could go there when ur cf consulten is there and have a look, if thats ok with you


New member
I was the original poster to this question. and i did get a copy. they charged me 10 dollars but thats fair cause my sons file was about 3 inchs thick at least.

Melissa mom to dylan 6 no cf and caleb 4wcf


New member
Our clinic sends us a copy of Cale's stats after every visit so we can see what they wrote and anything we missed during the visit. It's pretty nice and they don't charge us. It's probably somewhat different than the original chart, but holds the same data.


New member
I work in a law office in Illinois and I order medical records on a daily basis. Any facility has the right to charge $21 and some odd cents plus .71 for the first 1-25 pages and obviously more money there after. If anyone is interested I can scan that in and post it for you. Everyone has a right to his or her medical records or their childrens records. They do have 30 days by law to get them to you and if they can't they are supposed to inform you by letter that they need an extension. If they do not ask for an extension you can file a suit against the facility and the facility or dr. will have to pay you back for all of the fees you incured to file the suit including service of the facility or doctor. Again, I will keep checking the posts if anyone wants this info or email me:

sister 32 w/CFRD
brother 25 w/cf


New member
Always good info to have, stick around please, many many people benefit from information you shared!


New member
I have never requested to receive a copy of my records but a while back when I was in the hospital I requested to look at my file and they said that I could not unless a Dr. was present. Does anyone know what that is about. Its my file about me shouldn't I be able to look at it whenever i want to?
