Medicare and a secondary such as Medicaid


New member
I will be getting medicare effective as of August 2011. I am also applying for medicaid as a working disabled. I think I miss the cut off for being approved for medicaid by $26.00 a month.. UGGG

Does anyone have just plain medicare? Do you find it meets your insurance needs okay? I am going to try to get a secondary insurance but I have a feeling that it is way out of my ball park.

So how do you guys make it work?


New member
I will be getting medicare effective as of August 2011. I am also applying for medicaid as a working disabled. I think I miss the cut off for being approved for medicaid by $26.00 a month.. UGGG

Does anyone have just plain medicare? Do you find it meets your insurance needs okay? I am going to try to get a secondary insurance but I have a feeling that it is way out of my ball park.

So how do you guys make it work?


New member
I will be getting medicare effective as of August 2011. I am also applying for medicaid as a working disabled. I think I miss the cut off for being approved for medicaid by $26.00 a month.. UGGG
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<br />Does anyone have just plain medicare? Do you find it meets your insurance needs okay? I am going to try to get a secondary insurance but I have a feeling that it is way out of my ball park.
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<br />So how do you guys make it work?


New member
I have medicare just got it in august of this year. I also have medicaid . The medicare is a pain so far it wont pay for but 1 bottle of miralax a month . And now they have decided to not pay for the nexium. And the medicaid is suppose to pick up the rest but so far that hasnt happened. I didnt have that much trouble with medicaid by itself. The only good thing about the medicare so far is that you dont have to have a referral. As far as knowing that much about medicare I dont yet. I do know that neither will pay for the albuterol for the updraft or the hypersal


New member
I have medicare just got it in august of this year. I also have medicaid . The medicare is a pain so far it wont pay for but 1 bottle of miralax a month . And now they have decided to not pay for the nexium. And the medicaid is suppose to pick up the rest but so far that hasnt happened. I didnt have that much trouble with medicaid by itself. The only good thing about the medicare so far is that you dont have to have a referral. As far as knowing that much about medicare I dont yet. I do know that neither will pay for the albuterol for the updraft or the hypersal


New member
I have medicare just got it in august of this year. I also have medicaid . The medicare is a pain so far it wont pay for but 1 bottle of miralax a month . And now they have decided to not pay for the nexium. And the medicaid is suppose to pick up the rest but so far that hasnt happened. I didnt have that much trouble with medicaid by itself. The only good thing about the medicare so far is that you dont have to have a referral. As far as knowing that much about medicare I dont yet. I do know that neither will pay for the albuterol for the updraft or the hypersal


New member
Medicare coverage isn't very good Jennifer. The premiums are close to about $100 a month, and they generally only cover 80% of allowable charges. When Mark was on it, we got a LOT of bills. Luckly we had tricare from when I was AD so they picked up the remainder, but if we didn't have tricare we would have been paying about $80 for EVERY doctor visit, and about $40 for EVERY medication. Look into supplemental or see if you can't bring in $26 less, it's WELL worth it!


New member
Medicare coverage isn't very good Jennifer. The premiums are close to about $100 a month, and they generally only cover 80% of allowable charges. When Mark was on it, we got a LOT of bills. Luckly we had tricare from when I was AD so they picked up the remainder, but if we didn't have tricare we would have been paying about $80 for EVERY doctor visit, and about $40 for EVERY medication. Look into supplemental or see if you can't bring in $26 less, it's WELL worth it!


New member
Medicare coverage isn't very good Jennifer. The premiums are close to about $100 a month, and they generally only cover 80% of allowable charges. When Mark was on it, we got a LOT of bills. Luckly we had tricare from when I was AD so they picked up the remainder, but if we didn't have tricare we would have been paying about $80 for EVERY doctor visit, and about $40 for EVERY medication. Look into supplemental or see if you can't bring in $26 less, it's WELL worth it!


New member
Regina, what state are you in that medicaid won't pay for albuterol? Do you have a formal denial from them? I'm interested in appealing this on your behalf if you are interested.


New member
Regina, what state are you in that medicaid won't pay for albuterol? Do you have a formal denial from them? I'm interested in appealing this on your behalf if you are interested.


New member
Regina, what state are you in that medicaid won't pay for albuterol? Do you have a formal denial from them? I'm interested in appealing this on your behalf if you are interested.


New member
Hey I actually qualified for medicaida as well under SC special Working Diabled program. So I will have Medicare as my primary and medicaid as my secondary.

I am hoping and praying that will be good enough for me.


New member
Hey I actually qualified for medicaida as well under SC special Working Diabled program. So I will have Medicare as my primary and medicaid as my secondary.

I am hoping and praying that will be good enough for me.


New member
Hey I actually qualified for medicaida as well under SC special Working Diabled program. So I will have Medicare as my primary and medicaid as my secondary.
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<br />I am hoping and praying that will be good enough for me.


New member
Medicaid pays for many more things than medicare does so you should be pretty well covered Jennifer!


New member
Medicaid pays for many more things than medicare does so you should be pretty well covered Jennifer!


New member
Medicaid pays for many more things than medicare does so you should be pretty well covered Jennifer!


New member
Thanks Julie, Now can you PLEASE with a CHERRY on top update your website, if I don't see updated pictures of your kids I am going to SCream.. I keep looking and looking....


New member
Thanks Julie, Now can you PLEASE with a CHERRY on top update your website, if I don't see updated pictures of your kids I am going to SCream.. I keep looking and looking....