

New member
Question for those of you on SSDI and Medicare. Did you buy a supplement policy to help with helath care expenses? I am about to go on SSDI and Medicare and am a little worried, medicare doesn't look like the best coverage out there. thanks.


New member
Yes, I did buy a medigap policy to help with what the original medicare plan doesn't. There are different options out there as far as medicare goes, check out their site to see what is out there. Like I said, I decided to stay with original medicare as I want to ability to go to any facility or doctor that accepts it. I have doctors in 3 different states, so choosing a HMO type policy was not an option for me, I wanted to keep my current doctors and hospitals. Okay, back to the subject..I chose Mutual of Omaha as my gap policy, you also need to know what level of coverage you want for your policy..It ranges from the most basic to coverage even out of the country if you should need emergency care while travelling. I opted for more comprehensive coverage, which covers the 20% that medicare does not pick up as far as doctor visits go, durable medical equipment (oxygen, nebulizers etc), part B medications (I could never afford 20% of pulmozyme, Tobi etc), and more. It is definitely worth it if you are in the hospital frequently, use oxygen, are on nebulized meds etc.. But do check out the site before you make any decisions, as if it weren't complicated enough, each state has different companies and costs. Also, make sure you look into prescription coverage...part D insurance.

Good luck, it is quite a bit to wade through, but necessary to do so if you want to make the best choice for yourself

Jenn 40 wCF


New member
Do you mind my asking how much your policy costs? Did you buy directly throuhg a Mutual of Omaha or a broker? And it picks up the tab for what medicare doesn't pay? Also isn't there a pretty high deductable per hospital admission with medicare? Does your policy help wit that?

Thanks and sorry for all the questions.