Melissa is in the Slammer



Hope they let you out for good behavior!! (hehe!)

Sorry it took me so long to add to this, it's amazing how soon time flies when I get home from work! (Been sending 'get well vibes' your way, though!)

I ended up getting on a train too early for work, so found time to post!

Get well, soon Mel!


Hope they let you out for good behavior!! (hehe!)

Sorry it took me so long to add to this, it's amazing how soon time flies when I get home from work! (Been sending 'get well vibes' your way, though!)

I ended up getting on a train too early for work, so found time to post!

Get well, soon Mel!


New member

Hope everything is going as well as possible for you at St. V's and that you feel well very, very soon! And, to echo what Christian said, hope you are comforted by knowing that you've got in your corner, a cf medical team that truly cares about you. dr w and the 'gang' and will do everything in their power to help you get well and get back home to Jazz!!! You are in my thoughts. -Ellie


New member

Hope everything is going as well as possible for you at St. V's and that you feel well very, very soon! And, to echo what Christian said, hope you are comforted by knowing that you've got in your corner, a cf medical team that truly cares about you. dr w and the 'gang' and will do everything in their power to help you get well and get back home to Jazz!!! You are in my thoughts. -Ellie


New member

Hope everything is going as well as possible for you at St. V's and that you feel well very, very soon! And, to echo what Christian said, hope you are comforted by knowing that you've got in your corner, a cf medical team that truly cares about you. dr w and the 'gang' and will do everything in their power to help you get well and get back home to Jazz!!! You are in my thoughts. -Ellie


New member
Sending prayers your way and hoping that very soon you will be feeling so much better. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Sending prayers your way and hoping that very soon you will be feeling so much better. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Sending prayers your way and hoping that very soon you will be feeling so much better. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">