Oh my sweet Jazz,
I'm not sure what your asking, because there is nothing in your post, other than the topic memories.
So if it is memories about your mom, I can tell you that I only used the internet for research. One day my daughter told me and taught me how to use this website.
Always, after I asked a question , she was the first person to respond. When I was weak on not knowing how to handle doctors , believe me ,she PM me and gave me STRENGTH. She was always the one I PM'd. I didn't know for age's that she was a moderator for this site. She didn't want to bost about it and wanted people to not be afraid to tell her exactly how they felt.
I can tell you Jazz, she loved you and your dad with all her heart and soul. You made her life whole !
We all here for you Jazz, and I know we need you too!
I truly miss your mother and I think of you often my sweet one.
love you, karla<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">