Men with CF and In Vitro???? how does this work for the woman??


New member
Hey there. My husband is newly diagnosed and we've been married a little less than a year. He is 5 years younger than me, I just turned 30. I was hoping that we could start trying for babies by the time I was 31 & 1/2 b/c I don't want to be too up there b4 I have my 1st.

The CF doctors told us that there was a 97% chance that we would have to do In Vitro b/c of his CF. That is extremely expensive I know and is it even foolproof that it will work? Also, do any of you ever hear of men with CF actually getting their partner pregnant naturally?

Can any of you give me any information on the process of the In Vitro and any other advice to help me. I just feel kind of clueless and confused as to what to do. I'm adopted myself and it's a wonderful thing but i've always wanted to have my own child for some reason. Of course, if we couldn't I would definitely adopt but i want to at least try.



New member
Hey there. My husband is newly diagnosed and we've been married a little less than a year. He is 5 years younger than me, I just turned 30. I was hoping that we could start trying for babies by the time I was 31 & 1/2 b/c I don't want to be too up there b4 I have my 1st.

The CF doctors told us that there was a 97% chance that we would have to do In Vitro b/c of his CF. That is extremely expensive I know and is it even foolproof that it will work? Also, do any of you ever hear of men with CF actually getting their partner pregnant naturally?

Can any of you give me any information on the process of the In Vitro and any other advice to help me. I just feel kind of clueless and confused as to what to do. I'm adopted myself and it's a wonderful thing but i've always wanted to have my own child for some reason. Of course, if we couldn't I would definitely adopt but i want to at least try.



New member
Hey there. My husband is newly diagnosed and we've been married a little less than a year. He is 5 years younger than me, I just turned 30. I was hoping that we could start trying for babies by the time I was 31 & 1/2 b/c I don't want to be too up there b4 I have my 1st.

The CF doctors told us that there was a 97% chance that we would have to do In Vitro b/c of his CF. That is extremely expensive I know and is it even foolproof that it will work? Also, do any of you ever hear of men with CF actually getting their partner pregnant naturally?

Can any of you give me any information on the process of the In Vitro and any other advice to help me. I just feel kind of clueless and confused as to what to do. I'm adopted myself and it's a wonderful thing but i've always wanted to have my own child for some reason. Of course, if we couldn't I would definitely adopt but i want to at least try.



New member
Hey there. My husband is newly diagnosed and we've been married a little less than a year. He is 5 years younger than me, I just turned 30. I was hoping that we could start trying for babies by the time I was 31 & 1/2 b/c I don't want to be too up there b4 I have my 1st.

The CF doctors told us that there was a 97% chance that we would have to do In Vitro b/c of his CF. That is extremely expensive I know and is it even foolproof that it will work? Also, do any of you ever hear of men with CF actually getting their partner pregnant naturally?

Can any of you give me any information on the process of the In Vitro and any other advice to help me. I just feel kind of clueless and confused as to what to do. I'm adopted myself and it's a wonderful thing but i've always wanted to have my own child for some reason. Of course, if we couldn't I would definitely adopt but i want to at least try.



New member
Hey there. My husband is newly diagnosed and we've been married a little less than a year. He is 5 years younger than me, I just turned 30. I was hoping that we could start trying for babies by the time I was 31 & 1/2 b/c I don't want to be too up there b4 I have my 1st.
<br />
<br />The CF doctors told us that there was a 97% chance that we would have to do In Vitro b/c of his CF. That is extremely expensive I know and is it even foolproof that it will work? Also, do any of you ever hear of men with CF actually getting their partner pregnant naturally?
<br />
<br />Can any of you give me any information on the process of the In Vitro and any other advice to help me. I just feel kind of clueless and confused as to what to do. I'm adopted myself and it's a wonderful thing but i've always wanted to have my own child for some reason. Of course, if we couldn't I would definitely adopt but i want to at least try.
<br />
<br />thank


New member
My husband(with CF) and I have just recently started this process.

Our very first step was finding out if I was a carrier of CF - which was done through a simple blood test at our family doctor(my test came back negative).

The next step was to see if my husband was a part of the high percentage of CF males that lack a Vas Deferens (the tube that ejaculates the sperm). His Urologist confirmed through his sperm sample and an ultrasound that he was in fact a part of the high percentage of males(his sperm sample showed zero sperm present)

Our next step was to meet with an RE(reproductive endrocrinologist - a fertility doctor) to discuss our options.

The RE told us that most men with CF still produce sperm - but it has to be surgically removed and this process is called "sperm retrieval". My husband just recently had this done. They cut three parts off of his testicle to send into the lab - we were informed they did in fact find enough healthy sperm to be frozen until we are ready for IVF.

We are now looking into different options to finance IVF - there are scholarships, loans and in some cases different insurance companies will cover it.

Julie will be a great help to you - she frequents these boards quite often. Her and her husband Mark(who has CF) did this entire process and now have beautiful triplets! She created a website about CF males and infertility - the link is <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>Julie is full of information, support and advice!

You can also check out my blog which is listed in my signature or feel free to email me as well. If you scroll back a month or so - you can read all about the sperm retrieval my husband had.

Good luck to you and your husband!


New member
My husband(with CF) and I have just recently started this process.

Our very first step was finding out if I was a carrier of CF - which was done through a simple blood test at our family doctor(my test came back negative).

The next step was to see if my husband was a part of the high percentage of CF males that lack a Vas Deferens (the tube that ejaculates the sperm). His Urologist confirmed through his sperm sample and an ultrasound that he was in fact a part of the high percentage of males(his sperm sample showed zero sperm present)

Our next step was to meet with an RE(reproductive endrocrinologist - a fertility doctor) to discuss our options.

The RE told us that most men with CF still produce sperm - but it has to be surgically removed and this process is called "sperm retrieval". My husband just recently had this done. They cut three parts off of his testicle to send into the lab - we were informed they did in fact find enough healthy sperm to be frozen until we are ready for IVF.

We are now looking into different options to finance IVF - there are scholarships, loans and in some cases different insurance companies will cover it.

Julie will be a great help to you - she frequents these boards quite often. Her and her husband Mark(who has CF) did this entire process and now have beautiful triplets! She created a website about CF males and infertility - the link is <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>Julie is full of information, support and advice!

You can also check out my blog which is listed in my signature or feel free to email me as well. If you scroll back a month or so - you can read all about the sperm retrieval my husband had.

Good luck to you and your husband!


New member
My husband(with CF) and I have just recently started this process.

Our very first step was finding out if I was a carrier of CF - which was done through a simple blood test at our family doctor(my test came back negative).

The next step was to see if my husband was a part of the high percentage of CF males that lack a Vas Deferens (the tube that ejaculates the sperm). His Urologist confirmed through his sperm sample and an ultrasound that he was in fact a part of the high percentage of males(his sperm sample showed zero sperm present)

Our next step was to meet with an RE(reproductive endrocrinologist - a fertility doctor) to discuss our options.

The RE told us that most men with CF still produce sperm - but it has to be surgically removed and this process is called "sperm retrieval". My husband just recently had this done. They cut three parts off of his testicle to send into the lab - we were informed they did in fact find enough healthy sperm to be frozen until we are ready for IVF.

We are now looking into different options to finance IVF - there are scholarships, loans and in some cases different insurance companies will cover it.

Julie will be a great help to you - she frequents these boards quite often. Her and her husband Mark(who has CF) did this entire process and now have beautiful triplets! She created a website about CF males and infertility - the link is <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>Julie is full of information, support and advice!

You can also check out my blog which is listed in my signature or feel free to email me as well. If you scroll back a month or so - you can read all about the sperm retrieval my husband had.

Good luck to you and your husband!


New member
My husband(with CF) and I have just recently started this process.

Our very first step was finding out if I was a carrier of CF - which was done through a simple blood test at our family doctor(my test came back negative).

The next step was to see if my husband was a part of the high percentage of CF males that lack a Vas Deferens (the tube that ejaculates the sperm). His Urologist confirmed through his sperm sample and an ultrasound that he was in fact a part of the high percentage of males(his sperm sample showed zero sperm present)

Our next step was to meet with an RE(reproductive endrocrinologist - a fertility doctor) to discuss our options.

The RE told us that most men with CF still produce sperm - but it has to be surgically removed and this process is called "sperm retrieval". My husband just recently had this done. They cut three parts off of his testicle to send into the lab - we were informed they did in fact find enough healthy sperm to be frozen until we are ready for IVF.

We are now looking into different options to finance IVF - there are scholarships, loans and in some cases different insurance companies will cover it.

Julie will be a great help to you - she frequents these boards quite often. Her and her husband Mark(who has CF) did this entire process and now have beautiful triplets! She created a website about CF males and infertility - the link is <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>Julie is full of information, support and advice!

You can also check out my blog which is listed in my signature or feel free to email me as well. If you scroll back a month or so - you can read all about the sperm retrieval my husband had.

Good luck to you and your husband!


New member
My husband(with CF) and I have just recently started this process.
<br />
<br />Our very first step was finding out if I was a carrier of CF - which was done through a simple blood test at our family doctor(my test came back negative).
<br />
<br /> The next step was to see if my husband was a part of the high percentage of CF males that lack a Vas Deferens (the tube that ejaculates the sperm). His Urologist confirmed through his sperm sample and an ultrasound that he was in fact a part of the high percentage of males(his sperm sample showed zero sperm present)
<br />
<br />Our next step was to meet with an RE(reproductive endrocrinologist - a fertility doctor) to discuss our options.
<br />
<br />The RE told us that most men with CF still produce sperm - but it has to be surgically removed and this process is called "sperm retrieval". My husband just recently had this done. They cut three parts off of his testicle to send into the lab - we were informed they did in fact find enough healthy sperm to be frozen until we are ready for IVF.
<br />
<br />We are now looking into different options to finance IVF - there are scholarships, loans and in some cases different insurance companies will cover it.
<br />
<br />Julie will be a great help to you - she frequents these boards quite often. Her and her husband Mark(who has CF) did this entire process and now have beautiful triplets! She created a website about CF males and infertility - the link is <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a><br />Julie is full of information, support and advice!
<br />
<br />You can also check out my blog which is listed in my signature or feel free to email me as well. If you scroll back a month or so - you can read all about the sperm retrieval my husband had.
<br />
<br />Good luck to you and your husband!


New member
Hi Tinydancer, I'm the julie the pp was referring to. I'd be happy to answer ANY questions you might have about the process. It can be expensive, yes, and I would encourage you to check out and look into their "from the Heart" program. It is an IVF scholarship and they pay for everything but the sperm retrieval.

What state do you live in? Just curious for IF coverage purposes. I am happy to help, send me an email ( or the one on the website and I will respond. Alternatively if you'd like to chat on the phone, my number is 425-280-7310


New member
Hi Tinydancer, I'm the julie the pp was referring to. I'd be happy to answer ANY questions you might have about the process. It can be expensive, yes, and I would encourage you to check out and look into their "from the Heart" program. It is an IVF scholarship and they pay for everything but the sperm retrieval.

What state do you live in? Just curious for IF coverage purposes. I am happy to help, send me an email ( or the one on the website and I will respond. Alternatively if you'd like to chat on the phone, my number is 425-280-7310


New member
Hi Tinydancer, I'm the julie the pp was referring to. I'd be happy to answer ANY questions you might have about the process. It can be expensive, yes, and I would encourage you to check out and look into their "from the Heart" program. It is an IVF scholarship and they pay for everything but the sperm retrieval.

What state do you live in? Just curious for IF coverage purposes. I am happy to help, send me an email ( or the one on the website and I will respond. Alternatively if you'd like to chat on the phone, my number is 425-280-7310


New member
Hi Tinydancer, I'm the julie the pp was referring to. I'd be happy to answer ANY questions you might have about the process. It can be expensive, yes, and I would encourage you to check out and look into their "from the Heart" program. It is an IVF scholarship and they pay for everything but the sperm retrieval.

What state do you live in? Just curious for IF coverage purposes. I am happy to help, send me an email ( or the one on the website and I will respond. Alternatively if you'd like to chat on the phone, my number is 425-280-7310


New member
Hi Tinydancer, I'm the julie the pp was referring to. I'd be happy to answer ANY questions you might have about the process. It can be expensive, yes, and I would encourage you to check out and look into their "from the Heart" program. It is an IVF scholarship and they pay for everything but the sperm retrieval.
<br />
<br />What state do you live in? Just curious for IF coverage purposes. I am happy to help, send me an email ( or the one on the website and I will respond. Alternatively if you'd like to chat on the phone, my number is 425-280-7310