Meropenem & Ceftazidime


New member

I don't look up drug side effects because I don't like to subconsciously talk myself into experiencing them.

I just finished a 14 day course of meropenem and ceftazidime. The front of my legs/shins are killing me!!

Has anyone experienced this after these antibiotics?


New member
My joints and back always are killing me when I'm on antibiotics. I have no idea why though. (I use meropenem and imipenem on and off)


New member
You may want to look into trying something other then the meropenem next time. I'm flat out allergic to it and my sister's pain levels hit the roof when she is on it, so I've heard of pain issues with it be-for.


New member
You may want to look into trying something other then the meropenem next time. I'm flat out allergic to it and my sister's pain levels hit the roof when she is on it, so I've heard of pain issues with it be-for.

I was on meropenem and vanc back in january for 2 weeks. Then one week later the dr put me back on meropenem and oral levaquin but one dose when I got home was all it took for me to have a reaction to the meropenem . I had a fever of 102, chills , my arms were stinging and my skin got red all over. They put me back in the hospital to see if it was the levaquin or the meropenem . Gave me benedryl 2 times which dries up my secretions pretty bad. It was the meropenem worse reaction this time. Heart rate got up to 140 around midnight the next night after the reaction . They finally gave me xanax to slow it down. I guess they were thinking I was having a anxiety attack . They sent me home on ceftazadime and vanc and levaquin for a week. The side effects were horrible feet and hands stayed swelled up the whole time . I had severe anxiety attacks . Could not sleep at all. Finally got them to call in some trazadone . They didnt want me to take the xanax(25mg) I had . They said it suppresses the respiratory system . The ceftazadime made my lungs swell up horrible with inflammation . I could feel it every time I got infused. By the time I was done I couldnt even walk through my house without getting very short of breath. Dr put me on 20 mg of prednisone . Which is making me pretty anxious . I am on paxil now for 5 days so it hasnt had time to work . But the steroids are helping my breathing a lot . Im coughing up more mucus , but I figure its packed in there from all the inflammation.