


Has anybody been on this med before, if so was there any side effects?


New member
I've been on it twice now. Not everyone reacts the same way, but I get waves of on and off nausea for the whole time I'm on it.


Do you mind me asking what you were being treated for? My 11 year old son has been just put on it and Ive never even heard of it before. He has had bad reactions caused by other meds (renal failure) so im always worried when he is started on something new.


New member
The Meropenem, both times I was on it, was for my 3 or 4 strains of pseudomonas. Last year, I was on other IV meds first, Tobra and I think Zosyn? and they didn't quite work. So about a month after they finished, I went on the Meropenem. This time, I hadn't been on IVs since last August. My doc suggested Cipro, but that always kind of halts my life for 2 weeks, because I have to stay home, anchored to my toilet (that stuff gives me the most fun diarrhea ever). In all reality, I'd much rather have slight nausea for 2 weeks, along with maybe 2 days of worse nausea. With the nausea, at least I can still go out. And it never actually made me thrown up on its own. Last summer, no vomiting at all. This January or so, I started puking from coughing too hard. Never done it ebfore. This summer, the only time I threw up was when I had a coughing fit that was so hard, I was gagging, the Meropenem just kind of sent me over the edge, and I puked. But I do that free of Meropenem sometimes now anyway.

So, uhm, yeah I just rambled on forever. But basically, I went on it for several strains of pseudomonas.


New member
PS-- Feel free to private message, IM, or email me if you have further questions or concerns. Wow I just sounded like a pamphlet or something. Hah. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
AIM: Emily65Roses
Email is the same, at yahoo.


Branden is also being treated for pseudomonas, well we think?! He may also have another flare up of asprigillous. He has been on and off oral cipro for the last 8 weeks but still has a large mass in his upper left lung. He has been on inhaled tobra since he was 2 years old but never had it by iv. Today he was started on both meropenem and cipro via iv.
I have been on Meropenum numerous times all for pseudomonas. I haven't had any side effects that I have noticed but again it differs with everyone. At times a mix of meds with Mero has caused sever nausea for me as well. It has helped me tremendously in improving my PFTS.

Emilee with 2 E's


New member
My daughter (age 2) was put on Meropenem after she had been on Zozyn and Tobra for ten days. She had a drug reaction to the Zozyn which put her in the hospital. The Meropenem was prescribed because it covers a wide variety of bugs and it is not known to cause a lot of drug reactions.

I have heard about the nausea side effect, but although Samantha does talk a lot, she doesn't often verbalize if she's in pain or discomfort. I did notice a couple of times that in the hour following the Meropenem she sometimes seemed cranky. One good thing about administering the Meropenem was that it only took 3-5 minutes to administer through the IV.

Good Luck and I hope your son feels better soon,

Maria (mother to three daughters, the youngest, Samantha w/cf)


New member
On a positive note, I also wanted to add that since the Meropenem Samantha has been very healthy and very clear (lungs).



I was told that meroenem is a new drug, and it is administered by iv.
Maria how often did your daughter get the dosage, it takes Branden s an hour to be administered and then another hour and half to have his cipro administered. He had the meroenem 3 times a day (every 8 hours) and the cipro twice daily.


New member

Samantha also had to take a dose every three hours. We were instructed not to use the pump, but to administer the drug by pushing it manually. My husband and I are trying to recall - we believe it was about 5 cc every 30 seconds - a total of 30 cc in three to five minutes.

I don't know why they instructed us to do it manually, I thought it had something to do with the drug itself (??). Maybe it was because it would take so long to do by the pump. Also, Samantha only weighs 24 lbs. so her dosage is pretty small. Hope this helps.



New member
Sorry, I just re-read my post:

I meant to say that she also had to take it three times a day - every eight hours.

It's been too long of a day!!



New member
My daughter (Harriet ,6) has had to have a couple of courses in the past (two week courses in conjunction with Tobramycin), and the second time she built up a sensitivity to it, resulting in high temperature and hives, and because she only had about two days left of the course,the paediatrician decided to keep her on it until the end of the course, and administered it in conjuction with Piriton(anti-histimine). It is from the penicillin family of medicines, and so building up a sensitivity is not all that unusual.
By the way, the Meropenum was originally administered because Harriet had previously built up a sensitivity to Cystomycin,which again had been given in conjunction with Toby for the treatment of Pseudomonas.

God bless you and your loved ones
