

New member
Hi all, just wondering if anyone had ever been on this iv before and what your experiences were with it. I was put on it 2weeks ago as the other ivs werent working..I'd never heard of it before and to be honest I don't really feel its working. Anyway any replies much appreciated...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I was on it before, but I don' t remember how well it worked. I haven't been on it since, so maybe it didn't work that well! I didn't have any reactions or side effects from it, though. For me, nothing seems to work better than the Tobra and Fortaz combo!


New member
I was on meropenum and amikacin for my last tune up for a total of 3 weeks and it worked great!!! I didn't experience any abnormal side effects (besides some intestinal issues).
If your doctor reccomends it, I would definately give it a try.


New member

When I was on it, it worked great. Thing is, different CF patients will have different bacteria in their lungs... and different infections/bacteria or viruses respond better to different medication. Therefore, if it isnt working for you right now, maybe it just isnt the right med for the infection you have right now. Talk to you physician, he will help u, we hope!



New member
Hi thanks guys for your replies. My sputem three weeks ago said that i was only sensitive to colomycin (which I was already taken nebulised) tobramycin and ciproxin (which NEVER works for me!) So i went on tobra and cip, but after a week I got very sick and they changed me to this meropenum. I'd never heard of it and never been on it before and just wondered was it like a real strong thing or thing they only use rarely or something..thanx for the responses<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I was on Meropenem once last summer. I think it worked pretty well, but I was also nauseous the whole time I was on it. So it worked, but not without causing me some extra fun.