Message to God


New member
I have spent more than a reasonable amount of time trying to sort out my beliefs concerning religion, god and faith. Religion never worked for me. It seems to me that religion is like nationalism. Religion and nationalism just seem to fracture the soul of the worlds populations and in many cases lead to envy, dissention, mistrust and war. I tried living on faith but I failed to find satisfaction and peace in that way of life too.

I believe that the world and our universe are controlled by certain physical laws and dynamics. Basically speaking you have probability and chance and cause and effect at work everywhere. Looking at life like this lets you relax and forget about the why me and why do bad things happen to good people questions.

Those of you who want to have faith in a supreme being dont have to disregard the physical laws of nature. Maybe god is only interested in what is in your heart and isnt at all concerned about what is going on in your body? It seems to me that this concept is easier to understand and live with then trying to accept (on faith) that there is a divine reason for all the physical things that happen in our world.


New member
Stevehof, I love that interpretation of things.

I am the anonymous poster that caused a ruckus by calling God a "guy in the sky," and I apologize for offending anyone. I should register.

I agree with the more recent ideas posted here. It seems everyone has their own spiritual way to deal with cf. Mine happens to be secular humanism.


New member
Emily, I agree w/you 100%. I am not rying to offend anyone on this site either;I just need to respond, is all. My sister has HD (terminally-ill disease) and my dad never knew of the gene his second wife was carrying or else he would not have had children w/her. I am a teacher and know that there are two types of parents in this world; the parents that deliberately try to raise a family and procreate dispite their knowledge of passing on an inherited recessive gene (illness was detected in their first child), and those that are truly unware of this fact. When I see parents with two or more autistic children I wonder why they passed on such a detrementing disease onto an innocent victim...too many times U have heard that it is "God's plan". In the latter case, it is not His plan. If you know and you choose to procreate than you are contributing to something that is "above God's plan". My sister had 2 children knowing she had HD. Now these two young, beautiful young ladies have a 50/50 chance of having HD themselves. This WAS NOT God' plan...this was my sister's act of the willingness and desire to procreate. Do we blame her? As much as it kills me I say yes. I would NEVER pass death upon those that I love and cherish. As a teacher who has seen wayyy too much, as a sister who has seen her own sister deteriorate, and as a former girlfriend to someone LIVING w/ gosh people, if you can prevent a human being from coming into this world without a chronic illness...why do I see people posting that 2or 3 kids with this disease??? STOP spreading the gene and help find a cure for it! Much love to all...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Emily, I agree w/you 100%. I am not rying to offend anyone on this site either;I just need to respond, is all. My sister has HD (terminally-ill disease) and my dad never knew of the gene his second wife was carrying or else he would not have had children w/her. I am a teacher and know that there are two types of parents in this world; the parents that deliberately try to raise a family and procreate dispite their knowledge of passing on an inherited recessive gene (illness was detected in their first child), and those that are truly unware of this fact. When I see parents with two or more autistic children I wonder why they passed on such a detrementing disease onto an innocent victim...too many times U have heard that it is "God's plan". In the latter case, it is not His plan. If you know and you choose to procreate than you are contributing to something that is "above God's plan". My sister had 2 children knowing she had HD. Now these two young, beautiful young ladies have a 50/50 chance of having HD themselves. This WAS NOT God' plan...this was my sister's act of the willingness and desire to procreate. Do we blame her? As much as it kills me I say yes. I would NEVER pass death upon those that I love and cherish. As a teacher who has seen wayyy too much, as a sister who has seen her own sister deteriorate, and as a former girlfriend to someone LIVING w/ gosh people, if you can prevent a human being from coming into this world without a chronic illness...why do I see people posting that 2or 3 kids with this disease??? STOP spreading the gene and help find a cure for it! Much love to all...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
If you ever start to think that god cares anything about what takes place on this rock here, turn on the news any given night, and those thoughts will pretty quickly be gone. I'm not saying he doesn't exist, i'm just saying we are his ant farm, and he's a 9 year old kid with a short attention span playing his xbox while we go about our ant lives.


New member
Oh god, Sean, I don't think I've heard such cynicism in a long time. I like it, reminds me of Ry sometimes lol.

I have trouble thinking that GOd casres sometimes too, but I'm just


New member
Yeah Allie i'm just being goofy. Personally im an agnostic. I feel there probably is a central power in the universe that creates everything and keeps things moving, but to me just like nature here on earth, it could just be a cosmic form of nature, not some little old man who knows everything + how many times someone touches themselves. I enjoy being agnostic, because to me it's the humble way to look at death. Basically I neither confirm nor deny, because to me it's impossible to know otherwise. I understand the whole faith argument, people display faith in themselves and others all the time, so I grasp faith. I can't stand fanatacism from either side of the coin, and to me, anthropomorphizing human based guilt, morals, and ethics and creating the religious laws and icons that we have created, is silly. Not meaning to dog on anyones religion, do what ya want to do and believe in whatever makes you comfortable. I still think that if there is an all powerful being out there, he is about as aware of us as I am the bacteria crawling around on my 3rd grade baseball trophy on the top of my desk.


New member
Something else that makes me giggle about religion in general. Ever see a sports match (of any kind) where when someone wins they immediately thank god, they pray in the locker room, etc. They always say things like "Thank you jesus for this win" and other silly things. But you never hear anyone blame god when they lose. Just for once i'd love to hear someone say in a post game sports interview (on the losing team) "I'd like to blame jesus for this loss".


My thought is that since no one on this forum is God then actually we do not know his plan!!!!! it is so funny that when someone on this forum is trying to witness to others so many people get offended but yet others who do not believe are OK with making fun on My God!!!!

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">