Yeah Allie i'm just being goofy. Personally im an agnostic. I feel there probably is a central power in the universe that creates everything and keeps things moving, but to me just like nature here on earth, it could just be a cosmic form of nature, not some little old man who knows everything + how many times someone touches themselves. I enjoy being agnostic, because to me it's the humble way to look at death. Basically I neither confirm nor deny, because to me it's impossible to know otherwise. I understand the whole faith argument, people display faith in themselves and others all the time, so I grasp faith. I can't stand fanatacism from either side of the coin, and to me, anthropomorphizing human based guilt, morals, and ethics and creating the religious laws and icons that we have created, is silly. Not meaning to dog on anyones religion, do what ya want to do and believe in whatever makes you comfortable. I still think that if there is an all powerful being out there, he is about as aware of us as I am the bacteria crawling around on my 3rd grade baseball trophy on the top of my desk.