My newborn had meconium ileus as well at birth. She was transferred to the NICU at 1 day old. They started enemas and ended up perferating her intestines which led to emergency surgery when she was just 4 days old. She ended up with an ileostomy. We were diagnosed with CF when she was about 2 weeks old. We were pretty devasted. No CF in our families and had no idea we were each carriers. This is our first baby. We stayed in the NICU for 1 month and were able to bring her home (ileostomy and all) on April 24. We were first told she would have ostomy reversed in 6 weeks. When 6 weeks came, the surgeon threw us a curve ball and now says she wants to wait until our baby is 6 MONTHS old! We're doing the best we can with the osotmy but we're about to go back to work and I'm a nervous wreck. I could use some advice on how to deal with an ostomy and how to deal with CF in general. I'm terrified to have her around other children. She's 2 months old now and hasn't met any of her cousins! I'm also trying not to stress out about upcoming surgery in 4 months, but the doctors feel so sure that she'll have another obstruction after she's reconnected. I don't understand that. Anyone else have this surgery done? How did the recovery go? How long before baby was able to eat successfully again? Gosh, I have so many questions! I want to be able to give her just breastmilk, but have been told she needs to eat Pregestimil formula (which is digusting and she hates it by itself). Why can't she have regular formula or just breastmilk? I'm so glad to have found this website and am looking forward to talking to other parents of CF babies.