Miconium Illius surgery and scar tissue?


New member
Okay, this might sound a little weird, but it is something I
have worried about for quite a while. Today I met up with some
friends who are all pregnant ( there's something in the water) and
that got me thinking about the fact that I would like to be a mom
someday. BUT I had the miconium illius (probably not spelled
correctly) surgery when I was first born to remove some
bowels and now have about a 4 inch scar next to my belly
button. I have night mares that if I were to get pregnant that the
scar would not stretch with my tummy skin and burst open or that it
would stretch to be like a foot long and stay that way and then I
would have this huge flab or scar tissue skin hanging out over my
belly. Has anyone who has had this surgery gotten pregnant? If so,
what should I expect??????  Sorry, this is kinda stupid, but I
really have worried about this. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm glad u asked this chantelfox, i have been wondering this myself but just didnt want to ask. I have the same fears that you do....stretching and not going back, bust open, etc. My MI scar goes all the way across...about 6 or 7 inches (the doctors were almost too late...I think another 5-10 mins I would have been a goner...so I ripped open when he started surgery...sorry if that sounded gross), its above my belly button. I hope someone out there can answer this question because you are not alone in worrying about this.


New member
okay good. I felt kind of silly asking, but seeing my friends'
bellies really made me wonder how on earth my scar wouldn't just
burst open or stretch out about a foot and turn into a flap of scar
tissue that hangs out over my belly. Surely someone has had this
surgery and gotten pregnant? I hope...


New member
Well, I can't answer from experience, but I can't believe it would be a problem.
Think of all of the women out there who have delivered Ceasarean (now there's a scar) and then had a second child.


New member
I thought of that too lisa until I saw one. A ceasarean scars goes from one side to the other right above the pubic bone so its pretty low. our MI scars are right in the center of our stomache, above the the belly button.


New member
Mind you I don't know for sure, but I can't see it being a problem. I'm sure women with large abdominal scars have given birth before. And yes, you're right that C section scars are right to left, in the middle, and low. But Lisa is also correct, because while they're smaller scars, they're also scars <b>IN</b> the uterine wall. Meconium ileus scars, while they are big and a pain, do not extend to the uterine muscle.