mild staph


New member
My seven year old son (diagnosed in Feb) just cultured mild staph after having symptoms with what was apparently a mucus plug. I was a little surprized that he cultured anything. He has, in the past, cultured h influenza and strep with minimal symptoms (bronchoscopy) and had 3 "pneumonias" that we did not get cultures of. I understand many doctors (including his) do not treat this. My questions are 1. do non-CF kids culture staph in a sputum culture? 2. Could this start to cause problems for him? 3. Do CF kids usually culture something? Anyinformation is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


New member
Well, my 8 year old also just cultured few staph in his sputum culture. Three months before that, he cultured h flu which he was treated for with antibiotics. The dr did not want to treat staph, said it was normal flora.
But my son hasn't been diagnosed with CF, sort in limbo, waiting for more genetics.
He tested positive for staph 6 July and coincidence or not he (along with our whole family) got pneumonia last week. We all got meds and slowly getting better. Have no idea if this was related.
There are articles which suggest most common pathogens by age distributions as the common ones seem to change from birth to child and adulthood.
Every lab should automatically run test for MRSA if they find staph and you could ask to double check.


New member
My daughter has cultured H. Flu three times and Staph. A twice. Her cf doctor doesn't treat either one of them.


New member
My oldest has cultured Staph several times and as long as there are no symptoms they tend to not treat it. It isn't a regular thing it comes and goes but most of the time it is based on symptoms. Hope this helps


New member
Aidan has cultured staph for almost 2 years now. the only time we cover it is when he has an exhaberation and is very ill and hes on abx. they also put him on bactrim to cover the other bugs he has cultured. hes got like 3 of them he always cultures. pseudo is also one of them, and i was told hes colinized pseudo so hes on tobi one month on and one month off basiclly forever. i really wish it wasnt for ever with the tobi and i asked if we could take a break from it to see if it stays at bay. but i was shot down on that idea.gggrrrrrr.
mommy to Aidan 6 w/cf


New member
We have just cultured mild staph as well. Our docs always seem to treat it even in its mildest forms.......not sure as to why some docs treat it and others don't. It's kind of a worry :/
Even when we culture h influenza we get treated!
I personally think its because my dd shows symptoms such as a cough that lingers, more production of mucus and. Fowl smelling breath. We have been on treatment for almost 2 weeks and already there has been positive changes.
I guess if it's not causing your child any issues or disturbance than there is no need to treat...... Who knows!
Best of luck