military categories?


New member
We went to Germany when our girls were young. Normally they don't approve families with CF going overseas since appropriate medical care isn't available on base. I located a few CF clinics near where we would be stationed and spoke with the clinic commander (my future boss at the time) and convinced him to approve us. Under EFMP the gaining medical service commander (actually, the medical staff most concerned such as pediatrics) generally has the say. We enjoyed Europe and the girls are richer for it, but it was very tough at times and my wife and I wondered if we had done the right thing. For each assignment my wife and I researched the CF care available and then talked with the TriCare folks in person. We had appts and consults arranged prior to moves. It's amazing how often our first activity at a new assignment was a hospital admission.


New member
We went to Germany when our girls were young. Normally they don't approve families with CF going overseas since appropriate medical care isn't available on base. I located a few CF clinics near where we would be stationed and spoke with the clinic commander (my future boss at the time) and convinced him to approve us. Under EFMP the gaining medical service commander (actually, the medical staff most concerned such as pediatrics) generally has the say. We enjoyed Europe and the girls are richer for it, but it was very tough at times and my wife and I wondered if we had done the right thing. For each assignment my wife and I researched the CF care available and then talked with the TriCare folks in person. We had appts and consults arranged prior to moves. It's amazing how often our first activity at a new assignment was a hospital admission.


New member
We went to Germany when our girls were young. Normally they don't approve families with CF going overseas since appropriate medical care isn't available on base. I located a few CF clinics near where we would be stationed and spoke with the clinic commander (my future boss at the time) and convinced him to approve us. Under EFMP the gaining medical service commander (actually, the medical staff most concerned such as pediatrics) generally has the say. We enjoyed Europe and the girls are richer for it, but it was very tough at times and my wife and I wondered if we had done the right thing. For each assignment my wife and I researched the CF care available and then talked with the TriCare folks in person. We had appts and consults arranged prior to moves. It's amazing how often our first activity at a new assignment was a hospital admission.


New member
We went to Germany when our girls were young. Normally they don't approve families with CF going overseas since appropriate medical care isn't available on base. I located a few CF clinics near where we would be stationed and spoke with the clinic commander (my future boss at the time) and convinced him to approve us. Under EFMP the gaining medical service commander (actually, the medical staff most concerned such as pediatrics) generally has the say. We enjoyed Europe and the girls are richer for it, but it was very tough at times and my wife and I wondered if we had done the right thing. For each assignment my wife and I researched the CF care available and then talked with the TriCare folks in person. We had appts and consults arranged prior to moves. It's amazing how often our first activity at a new assignment was a hospital admission.


New member
We went to Germany when our girls were young. Normally they don't approve families with CF going overseas since appropriate medical care isn't available on base. I located a few CF clinics near where we would be stationed and spoke with the clinic commander (my future boss at the time) and convinced him to approve us. Under EFMP the gaining medical service commander (actually, the medical staff most concerned such as pediatrics) generally has the say. We enjoyed Europe and the girls are richer for it, but it was very tough at times and my wife and I wondered if we had done the right thing. For each assignment my wife and I researched the CF care available and then talked with the TriCare folks in person. We had appts and consults arranged prior to moves. It's amazing how often our first activity at a new assignment was a hospital admission.


I have CF, am non-military and live in Japan.

I thought I heard there are possibilities of CF educated Drs. in Okinawa, or even in the Yokohama (Yokosuka) area. However, me not having the military background, I'd have to confirm that with my relatives who would know that.


I have CF, am non-military and live in Japan.

I thought I heard there are possibilities of CF educated Drs. in Okinawa, or even in the Yokohama (Yokosuka) area. However, me not having the military background, I'd have to confirm that with my relatives who would know that.


I have CF, am non-military and live in Japan.

I thought I heard there are possibilities of CF educated Drs. in Okinawa, or even in the Yokohama (Yokosuka) area. However, me not having the military background, I'd have to confirm that with my relatives who would know that.


I have CF, am non-military and live in Japan.

I thought I heard there are possibilities of CF educated Drs. in Okinawa, or even in the Yokohama (Yokosuka) area. However, me not having the military background, I'd have to confirm that with my relatives who would know that.


I have CF, am non-military and live in Japan.
<br />
<br />I thought I heard there are possibilities of CF educated Drs. in Okinawa, or even in the Yokohama (Yokosuka) area. However, me not having the military background, I'd have to confirm that with my relatives who would know that.


New member
Depends on the category. Mark is an EFMP category 4 and I can't be stationed overseas and ONLY in major medical (San Diego, Bethesda, Portsmouth) and I had to sign a waiver to get stationed here in WA and it only worked because he was raised and had established care here in WA.


New member
Depends on the category. Mark is an EFMP category 4 and I can't be stationed overseas and ONLY in major medical (San Diego, Bethesda, Portsmouth) and I had to sign a waiver to get stationed here in WA and it only worked because he was raised and had established care here in WA.


New member
Depends on the category. Mark is an EFMP category 4 and I can't be stationed overseas and ONLY in major medical (San Diego, Bethesda, Portsmouth) and I had to sign a waiver to get stationed here in WA and it only worked because he was raised and had established care here in WA.


New member
Depends on the category. Mark is an EFMP category 4 and I can't be stationed overseas and ONLY in major medical (San Diego, Bethesda, Portsmouth) and I had to sign a waiver to get stationed here in WA and it only worked because he was raised and had established care here in WA.


New member
Depends on the category. Mark is an EFMP category 4 and I can't be stationed overseas and ONLY in major medical (San Diego, Bethesda, Portsmouth) and I had to sign a waiver to get stationed here in WA and it only worked because he was raised and had established care here in WA.