Military - Need Help With Compassionate reassignment


New member
Any military people I could use your help. We were stationed at Ft. Campbell and I went to Vanderbilt in nashville which was about 50 miles away for treatment for 6 years. Last year we decided to leave the unit he was at and were stationed at Ft. Lewis. On Dec 31st we have been here 12 months and it has been hell. My health has gone downhill. As soon as I got here I became sick they could not help me, my functions dropped. They have never come back up to where I had been for the full 6 years in KY. In the past 12 months I have been on IV's or on oral antibodics about 7 months. Unreal and they still cant get me good and stable. I just got off 3 weeks of IV's and was not even back up to my Ft. Lewis new baseline. My health just does not do good here. We are going to put in for a compassionate reassginment back to KY where we were and where I grew up (3 hours north from Campbell). My doctor is writting a note saying that since I have been here my health has declined, that she reccomends that we move back to KY where my health was stable. Has anyone done a compassionate reassginment? I am really looking for help.


New member
I haven't had a compassionate reassignment, but my daughter was registered in EFMP for our last military move. They called ahead to make sure all of her specialists were available before we moved. Is your new CF team from an accredited CF center? I know Tricare has rules for how far they can expect you to travel to specialists, so did the distance to the specialist increase. Could you travel to stay with someone where you used to live and see if your health improves. I know that seems extreme, but you will need to documentation to get reassigned again after just 12 months. It would also help if the military member found an open position back where you used to live. Best wishes.

Any military people I could use your help. We were stationed at Ft. Campbell and I went to Vanderbilt in nashville which was about 50 miles away for treatment for 6 years. Last year we decided to leave the unit he was at and were stationed at Ft. Lewis. On Dec 31st we have been here 12 months and it has been hell. My health has gone downhill. As soon as I got here I became sick they could not help me, my functions dropped. They have never come back up to where I had been for the full 6 years in KY. In the past 12 months I have been on IV's or on oral antibodics about 7 months. Unreal and they still cant get me good and stable. I just got off 3 weeks of IV's and was not even back up to my Ft. Lewis new baseline. My health just does not do good here. We are going to put in for a compassionate reassginment back to KY where we were and where I grew up (3 hours north from Campbell). My doctor is writting a note saying that since I have been here my health has declined, that she reccomends that we move back to KY where my health was stable. Has anyone done a compassionate reassginment? I am really looking for help.


New member
When we looked into Lewis it says on the CF site it has an accredited doctor but what it failed to mention is that it is now only a peds. So I have to drive to seattle which is about 75 miles to see a CF center, which is one of the leading in research in the country. The problem is my health in this weather. It has been a non stop since I got here and even my doctor agrees that since I have gotten here they dont really know how to treat me best, they are just doing the best they can.


Super Moderator
So sorry for what you are facing. Have you spo ken with the chaplin...I think they might have insight non best way ton g et compassbionnate @ l eave,transfers etc.


New member
Hey there fellow military CFer! From what I understand, if your doctor does provide you with a note such as yours, you should be able to apply for a move no problem (at least that is what I have been led to believe). Go to your EFMP coordinator or case manager to further the process. If you don't know what EFMP is, go to your family readiness center and ask for the exceptional family member coordinator. Unfortunatly, we did not know about this until after we got assigned our second station and I was not "Q" coded in the system and now I have to drive 4 hours to UNC for care. Also FYI, you are not supposed to be stationed at a place that has your specialists more than 100 miles away, if so they must reimburse you for your travel expenses. Just don't give up and be persistent. It took me 6 months to finally be able to see a specialist for my CF but I am now happy seeing the center I am at (even though I do have to drive 4 hrs... :( ) Hope this helps a little bit :) Sorry to hear of your experience. Also, if the center is for peds not adults, you have every right to argue that is not a specialist for you!!!