Okay--that little Reece is SO CUTE!!! What a DOLL! Those are such adorable pics! He reminds me so much of what Cody looked like when he was younger--as straight as his hair is now, it used to be an unruly adorable mop of curls and waves. Now it's long and straight--longer than in his pic, and I can't get him to cut it to save my life. HA!
Cody misses a LOT of school. So far this year, he has missed 37 days. Up until last year, it didn't really affect him, as he is smart as a whip and could easily keep up--he missed about 65 days last year and was still on the B-honor roll, with a 3.4 GPA. This year, on the other hand, it is not because he CAN'T keep up, it's because his teenage attitude REFUSES to keep up! It's driving me BONKERS! He was doing pretty well at the beginning of the year, even with tennis practice or a tennis game every day after school, but then his health really began to dip and by the time he would get home after practice he could barely move--he would eat, then sit and veg out, watch a little TV, do his treatment, and go to bed. It was like he just could not focus, and his grades began to drop. Then, he was hospitalized for three weeks, and since then, he has F's in every class--never turns the homework he does do in, and will tell me he has no homework, when he actually does, so he gets lots of 0's. It is so frustrating. And, when I tell him it's time to do homework, he has a meltdown about it every night--I miss my student who WANTED to get good grades! I hope he shows back up one day. . .
Since his last hospitalization, he has been a very angry kid. He fights EVERYTHING--taking enzymes, taking meds, doing homework, doing chores, doing treatment, homework--you name it, he is fighting me on it. I know a lot of it is those dang "teenage years" that us parents fear so much, but his is so much more than I could possibly describe. This last hospital stay was so overwhelming compared to many of his others. This time, it was a constant barrage of "Cody, you need to eat more", "Cody, if you don't start being more responsible, you are going to get sicker and sicker", etc. Now, this was all true, and it was nothing I haven't told him before, but I finally had to put my foot down with the nurses and doctors and set a rule that between the hours of 1:00 and 3:00 pm, NO ONE was allowed in to see him, as that was the time that I would spend with him doing homework, and just talking. He would finally get a break, and that really seemed to help. Now, he just seems so angry about everything. He's always been a kid with a temper (nothing like my other two, at ALL), but this is unbelievable some days. I sure hope it's a stage. . .LOL