My eight year old son, Tyler, as diagnosed with cf last Feb. The pulmonoligist quickly changed that diagnosis to atypical cf. I believe he had a partial bowel obstruction as a baby, his weight started off in the 99th percentile he is now in the 25th, his b.m. has always been a variety of floaty colors, of course he had the salty skin, frequent "colds" and always a runny nose. Fevers come and go with no apparant reason. I would take Tyler to the doctor and I was always always overreacting. This became our norm for 7 years untill I went to school to become a respiratory therapist. The I begged our pediatrician for a sweat chloride. He has had three tests 51,54, and 61. They say he does not have any cf genes. However, his lungs show cf changes and he has the signs and symptoms so he is being treated. The doctors dont seem to understand why the treatments are working and all the tests say he shouldn't need the therapys. It's just aggravating to go to clinic and have the doctors ask me what I think we should do. I am still new at this and think maybe the pulmonologist should be able to tell me what to do. Anyways, sorry for the long post. I just needed to vent, and it sure does help!!