Thank you Julie, I did read the info on your website.... We haven't started trying, and I haven't been checked to see if Im a Cf carrier yet... I am getting a new gynecologist, and while trying to find one asked an office about getting tested to see if I am a carrier and was told we don't check for it until you are pregnant. Which I told the lady was not gonna work, that I need to have it done before hand. I honestly believe that not very many people understand enough about CF. My bf had to get a primary Dr, in addition to his CF dr, and that Dr was asking him questions about CF because he did not know about it, its frustrating.
I have 2 children already, from a previous relationship, but we would love to try to have our own. I feel like we are perfect for eachother, and he is perfect with my children, but if we can have one, we would both love to. I just don't know if it's possible without IVF, I wish and hope that will be...But I guess we've got to try first and see...IVF kinda scares me...and I don't know if we could financially handle it.