New member
I'm just thinking about Reece, and wondering if anyone has heard from Leah. I know she was without a computer at one point, so maybe that's why she hasn't been around. If anyone keeps in touch with her, please give us an update. Thanks.



New member
I'm just thinking about Reece, and wondering if anyone has heard from Leah. I know she was without a computer at one point, so maybe that's why she hasn't been around. If anyone keeps in touch with her, please give us an update. Thanks.



New member
I'm just thinking about Reece, and wondering if anyone has heard from Leah. I know she was without a computer at one point, so maybe that's why she hasn't been around. If anyone keeps in touch with her, please give us an update. Thanks.



New member
I'm just thinking about Reece, and wondering if anyone has heard from Leah. I know she was without a computer at one point, so maybe that's why she hasn't been around. If anyone keeps in touch with her, please give us an update. Thanks.



New member
I'm just thinking about Reece, and wondering if anyone has heard from Leah. I know she was without a computer at one point, so maybe that's why she hasn't been around. If anyone keeps in touch with her, please give us an update. Thanks.
<br />
<br />Stacey


Staff member
I was wondering the same thing last night. Assuming she still doesn't have a computer. Hoping all is well!


Staff member
I was wondering the same thing last night. Assuming she still doesn't have a computer. Hoping all is well!


Staff member
I was wondering the same thing last night. Assuming she still doesn't have a computer. Hoping all is well!


Staff member
I was wondering the same thing last night. Assuming she still doesn't have a computer. Hoping all is well!


Staff member
I was wondering the same thing last night. Assuming she still doesn't have a computer. Hoping all is well!


New member
Yeah, we are still here...hating that I cant get on any old time I want....only when I have time when Im here at my moms!

Reece is doing ok, hes trying to get a cold again....his lungs are still clear but his nose is junky!

I tried to get on a few weeks ago but it wouldnt take my password.....who knows, but today it did *shrugs*

I have missed keeping up with all of you! I feel like an outsider now...

We are still trying to make ends meet sucks! I have even picked up a PT job...its at a christian bookstore I worked at before Reece was born....Ive been working about 30-40 hours a week here & there. We have to watch out though, we cant, make more then $3100/mo. or we loose SSI & Medicaid for Reece! My dad has been watching Reece when I work, or if its a Sat. Doug does.

Good News....Reece passed Kindergarten...he will be in the 1st grade next school yr!!!!!! Holy cow, my baby is a 1st grader!!!!!!!!!

Well family just arrived...take care & hopefully I can get on here again soon!


New member
Yeah, we are still here...hating that I cant get on any old time I want....only when I have time when Im here at my moms!

Reece is doing ok, hes trying to get a cold again....his lungs are still clear but his nose is junky!

I tried to get on a few weeks ago but it wouldnt take my password.....who knows, but today it did *shrugs*

I have missed keeping up with all of you! I feel like an outsider now...

We are still trying to make ends meet sucks! I have even picked up a PT job...its at a christian bookstore I worked at before Reece was born....Ive been working about 30-40 hours a week here & there. We have to watch out though, we cant, make more then $3100/mo. or we loose SSI & Medicaid for Reece! My dad has been watching Reece when I work, or if its a Sat. Doug does.

Good News....Reece passed Kindergarten...he will be in the 1st grade next school yr!!!!!! Holy cow, my baby is a 1st grader!!!!!!!!!

Well family just arrived...take care & hopefully I can get on here again soon!


New member
Yeah, we are still here...hating that I cant get on any old time I want....only when I have time when Im here at my moms!

Reece is doing ok, hes trying to get a cold again....his lungs are still clear but his nose is junky!

I tried to get on a few weeks ago but it wouldnt take my password.....who knows, but today it did *shrugs*

I have missed keeping up with all of you! I feel like an outsider now...

We are still trying to make ends meet sucks! I have even picked up a PT job...its at a christian bookstore I worked at before Reece was born....Ive been working about 30-40 hours a week here & there. We have to watch out though, we cant, make more then $3100/mo. or we loose SSI & Medicaid for Reece! My dad has been watching Reece when I work, or if its a Sat. Doug does.

Good News....Reece passed Kindergarten...he will be in the 1st grade next school yr!!!!!! Holy cow, my baby is a 1st grader!!!!!!!!!

Well family just arrived...take care & hopefully I can get on here again soon!


New member
Yeah, we are still here...hating that I cant get on any old time I want....only when I have time when Im here at my moms!

Reece is doing ok, hes trying to get a cold again....his lungs are still clear but his nose is junky!

I tried to get on a few weeks ago but it wouldnt take my password.....who knows, but today it did *shrugs*

I have missed keeping up with all of you! I feel like an outsider now...

We are still trying to make ends meet sucks! I have even picked up a PT job...its at a christian bookstore I worked at before Reece was born....Ive been working about 30-40 hours a week here & there. We have to watch out though, we cant, make more then $3100/mo. or we loose SSI & Medicaid for Reece! My dad has been watching Reece when I work, or if its a Sat. Doug does.

Good News....Reece passed Kindergarten...he will be in the 1st grade next school yr!!!!!! Holy cow, my baby is a 1st grader!!!!!!!!!

Well family just arrived...take care & hopefully I can get on here again soon!


New member
Yeah, we are still here...hating that I cant get on any old time I want....only when I have time when Im here at my moms!
<br />
<br />Reece is doing ok, hes trying to get a cold again....his lungs are still clear but his nose is junky!
<br />
<br />I tried to get on a few weeks ago but it wouldnt take my password.....who knows, but today it did *shrugs*
<br />
<br />I have missed keeping up with all of you! I feel like an outsider now...
<br />
<br />We are still trying to make ends meet sucks! I have even picked up a PT job...its at a christian bookstore I worked at before Reece was born....Ive been working about 30-40 hours a week here & there. We have to watch out though, we cant, make more then $3100/mo. or we loose SSI & Medicaid for Reece! My dad has been watching Reece when I work, or if its a Sat. Doug does.
<br />
<br />Good News....Reece passed Kindergarten...he will be in the 1st grade next school yr!!!!!! Holy cow, my baby is a 1st grader!!!!!!!!!
<br />
<br />Well family just arrived...take care & hopefully I can get on here again soon!