Moms w/Cf- Coping with Tuneups


New member

When my son was first born, I went to the gym all of the time. I lifted weights and rode the stationary bike. Now that he is older (4 1/2years old) I don't go as much as I should. My lungs are not as in good shape anymore so exercise feels even harder to do, and I worry about my sats. But anyway, don't give up! Keep exercising! It is the best! Now that my son is old enough we exercise together. We run (or at least I try to) in the backyard, walk to the park, ride bikes, swim..... it's fun to exercise with him, and it just feels like playing.

When he was younger, I did have a jogging stroller too. That is a good idea. Don't get discouraged with the IV's.... in two or three weeks you will be able to run in a field with your daughter!

I have done both home IV's and hospital stays while being a mom. Hang in there I know it's exhausting and tough.... but you will make it through!


New member

When my son was first born, I went to the gym all of the time. I lifted weights and rode the stationary bike. Now that he is older (4 1/2years old) I don't go as much as I should. My lungs are not as in good shape anymore so exercise feels even harder to do, and I worry about my sats. But anyway, don't give up! Keep exercising! It is the best! Now that my son is old enough we exercise together. We run (or at least I try to) in the backyard, walk to the park, ride bikes, swim..... it's fun to exercise with him, and it just feels like playing.

When he was younger, I did have a jogging stroller too. That is a good idea. Don't get discouraged with the IV's.... in two or three weeks you will be able to run in a field with your daughter!

I have done both home IV's and hospital stays while being a mom. Hang in there I know it's exhausting and tough.... but you will make it through!


New member

When my son was first born, I went to the gym all of the time. I lifted weights and rode the stationary bike. Now that he is older (4 1/2years old) I don't go as much as I should. My lungs are not as in good shape anymore so exercise feels even harder to do, and I worry about my sats. But anyway, don't give up! Keep exercising! It is the best! Now that my son is old enough we exercise together. We run (or at least I try to) in the backyard, walk to the park, ride bikes, swim..... it's fun to exercise with him, and it just feels like playing.

When he was younger, I did have a jogging stroller too. That is a good idea. Don't get discouraged with the IV's.... in two or three weeks you will be able to run in a field with your daughter!

I have done both home IV's and hospital stays while being a mom. Hang in there I know it's exhausting and tough.... but you will make it through!


New member

When my son was first born, I went to the gym all of the time. I lifted weights and rode the stationary bike. Now that he is older (4 1/2years old) I don't go as much as I should. My lungs are not as in good shape anymore so exercise feels even harder to do, and I worry about my sats. But anyway, don't give up! Keep exercising! It is the best! Now that my son is old enough we exercise together. We run (or at least I try to) in the backyard, walk to the park, ride bikes, swim..... it's fun to exercise with him, and it just feels like playing.

When he was younger, I did have a jogging stroller too. That is a good idea. Don't get discouraged with the IV's.... in two or three weeks you will be able to run in a field with your daughter!

I have done both home IV's and hospital stays while being a mom. Hang in there I know it's exhausting and tough.... but you will make it through!


New member
<br />
<br />When my son was first born, I went to the gym all of the time. I lifted weights and rode the stationary bike. Now that he is older (4 1/2years old) I don't go as much as I should. My lungs are not as in good shape anymore so exercise feels even harder to do, and I worry about my sats. But anyway, don't give up! Keep exercising! It is the best! Now that my son is old enough we exercise together. We run (or at least I try to) in the backyard, walk to the park, ride bikes, swim..... it's fun to exercise with him, and it just feels like playing.
<br />
<br />When he was younger, I did have a jogging stroller too. That is a good idea. Don't get discouraged with the IV's.... in two or three weeks you will be able to run in a field with your daughter!
<br />
<br />I have done both home IV's and hospital stays while being a mom. Hang in there I know it's exhausting and tough.... but you will make it through!


I haven't been in the hospital for a tune up ever (unless you count the time that I was pregnant with my first and had to be hospitalized for meds and because I wasn't gaining weight-only for 8 days though).
I do know it will happen down the road and hope that my kids will be older (right now they are 5 1/2 and 7) so they are able to handle it better.
I think its a good idea you are going in now before the summer so you will feel 100% going into the summer season-instead of being on meds all summer.
I think exercise is huge in staying healthy-I know that it has made a big difference for me-I think it helps to keep my lung clear.
Good luck to you!


I haven't been in the hospital for a tune up ever (unless you count the time that I was pregnant with my first and had to be hospitalized for meds and because I wasn't gaining weight-only for 8 days though).
I do know it will happen down the road and hope that my kids will be older (right now they are 5 1/2 and 7) so they are able to handle it better.
I think its a good idea you are going in now before the summer so you will feel 100% going into the summer season-instead of being on meds all summer.
I think exercise is huge in staying healthy-I know that it has made a big difference for me-I think it helps to keep my lung clear.
Good luck to you!


I haven't been in the hospital for a tune up ever (unless you count the time that I was pregnant with my first and had to be hospitalized for meds and because I wasn't gaining weight-only for 8 days though).
I do know it will happen down the road and hope that my kids will be older (right now they are 5 1/2 and 7) so they are able to handle it better.
I think its a good idea you are going in now before the summer so you will feel 100% going into the summer season-instead of being on meds all summer.
I think exercise is huge in staying healthy-I know that it has made a big difference for me-I think it helps to keep my lung clear.
Good luck to you!


I haven't been in the hospital for a tune up ever (unless you count the time that I was pregnant with my first and had to be hospitalized for meds and because I wasn't gaining weight-only for 8 days though).
I do know it will happen down the road and hope that my kids will be older (right now they are 5 1/2 and 7) so they are able to handle it better.
I think its a good idea you are going in now before the summer so you will feel 100% going into the summer season-instead of being on meds all summer.
I think exercise is huge in staying healthy-I know that it has made a big difference for me-I think it helps to keep my lung clear.
Good luck to you!


I haven't been in the hospital for a tune up ever (unless you count the time that I was pregnant with my first and had to be hospitalized for meds and because I wasn't gaining weight-only for 8 days though).
<br />I do know it will happen down the road and hope that my kids will be older (right now they are 5 1/2 and 7) so they are able to handle it better.
<br />I think its a good idea you are going in now before the summer so you will feel 100% going into the summer season-instead of being on meds all summer.
<br />I think exercise is huge in staying healthy-I know that it has made a big difference for me-I think it helps to keep my lung clear.
<br />Good luck to you!


New member
I'm sorry things are tough right now. I have been so sick over the last year with my pregnancy, that I feel like I've exhausted all my friend support. Two of the times I was in the hospital my husband was out of town and my friends had to take care of my four-year-old. I don't know what I'll do if I need support again. I don't have family living close and I hate to keep asking the same people for help.

Anyway, as soon as I get out of the hospital, I am always back at work again, because I'm always concerned about having enough sick days. I've caught my picc line on stuff at school--including kids, sometimes. Luckily, I've never ripped it out at school, although I did rip it out at home once and had to hit the ER.

I am not always able to fit in my Vest time, let alone fit in exercise. I am thinking about trying the Wii Fit. Does anybody do that or know someone who does? I thought it would be something that my son could do with me to help keep him occupied/involved.

I can do treatments with my 6-week-old in my sling and my 4-year-old can sit by me at the computer and we play preschool games together or pick out pictures to email to the grandparents.

I know what you mean about wanting to enjoy the summer and not be sick. I'm trying to get up to my pre-pregnancy FEV1 (80%--right now I'm at about 72%), as well. Although it seems like each new thing I recommend to my doctor for me to try he shoots down. I'm going to see an Allergist at the end of the month, right before my appointment with my CF doc. Hopefully, he agrees with what the allergist recommends. Also, I plan to bring some articles from the internet to support the meds I'd like to add, so that I can raise my FEV1. I want to try Singulair, Allegra or Zyrtec, and Azithromycin. Anyone on Azithromycin with breastfeeding?

I hope need a tuneup any time soon, because I feel like I work, come home and feed the baby, do a treatment, eat, feed the baby, zone out on the couch (semi awake nap), get my older son through his bed routine, do another treatment, shower, feed the baby and sleep. How could I fit in IV meds, too? I can't wait til summer break! It's getting to be the best thing about teaching. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm sorry things are tough right now. I have been so sick over the last year with my pregnancy, that I feel like I've exhausted all my friend support. Two of the times I was in the hospital my husband was out of town and my friends had to take care of my four-year-old. I don't know what I'll do if I need support again. I don't have family living close and I hate to keep asking the same people for help.

Anyway, as soon as I get out of the hospital, I am always back at work again, because I'm always concerned about having enough sick days. I've caught my picc line on stuff at school--including kids, sometimes. Luckily, I've never ripped it out at school, although I did rip it out at home once and had to hit the ER.

I am not always able to fit in my Vest time, let alone fit in exercise. I am thinking about trying the Wii Fit. Does anybody do that or know someone who does? I thought it would be something that my son could do with me to help keep him occupied/involved.

I can do treatments with my 6-week-old in my sling and my 4-year-old can sit by me at the computer and we play preschool games together or pick out pictures to email to the grandparents.

I know what you mean about wanting to enjoy the summer and not be sick. I'm trying to get up to my pre-pregnancy FEV1 (80%--right now I'm at about 72%), as well. Although it seems like each new thing I recommend to my doctor for me to try he shoots down. I'm going to see an Allergist at the end of the month, right before my appointment with my CF doc. Hopefully, he agrees with what the allergist recommends. Also, I plan to bring some articles from the internet to support the meds I'd like to add, so that I can raise my FEV1. I want to try Singulair, Allegra or Zyrtec, and Azithromycin. Anyone on Azithromycin with breastfeeding?

I hope need a tuneup any time soon, because I feel like I work, come home and feed the baby, do a treatment, eat, feed the baby, zone out on the couch (semi awake nap), get my older son through his bed routine, do another treatment, shower, feed the baby and sleep. How could I fit in IV meds, too? I can't wait til summer break! It's getting to be the best thing about teaching. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm sorry things are tough right now. I have been so sick over the last year with my pregnancy, that I feel like I've exhausted all my friend support. Two of the times I was in the hospital my husband was out of town and my friends had to take care of my four-year-old. I don't know what I'll do if I need support again. I don't have family living close and I hate to keep asking the same people for help.

Anyway, as soon as I get out of the hospital, I am always back at work again, because I'm always concerned about having enough sick days. I've caught my picc line on stuff at school--including kids, sometimes. Luckily, I've never ripped it out at school, although I did rip it out at home once and had to hit the ER.

I am not always able to fit in my Vest time, let alone fit in exercise. I am thinking about trying the Wii Fit. Does anybody do that or know someone who does? I thought it would be something that my son could do with me to help keep him occupied/involved.

I can do treatments with my 6-week-old in my sling and my 4-year-old can sit by me at the computer and we play preschool games together or pick out pictures to email to the grandparents.

I know what you mean about wanting to enjoy the summer and not be sick. I'm trying to get up to my pre-pregnancy FEV1 (80%--right now I'm at about 72%), as well. Although it seems like each new thing I recommend to my doctor for me to try he shoots down. I'm going to see an Allergist at the end of the month, right before my appointment with my CF doc. Hopefully, he agrees with what the allergist recommends. Also, I plan to bring some articles from the internet to support the meds I'd like to add, so that I can raise my FEV1. I want to try Singulair, Allegra or Zyrtec, and Azithromycin. Anyone on Azithromycin with breastfeeding?

I hope need a tuneup any time soon, because I feel like I work, come home and feed the baby, do a treatment, eat, feed the baby, zone out on the couch (semi awake nap), get my older son through his bed routine, do another treatment, shower, feed the baby and sleep. How could I fit in IV meds, too? I can't wait til summer break! It's getting to be the best thing about teaching. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm sorry things are tough right now. I have been so sick over the last year with my pregnancy, that I feel like I've exhausted all my friend support. Two of the times I was in the hospital my husband was out of town and my friends had to take care of my four-year-old. I don't know what I'll do if I need support again. I don't have family living close and I hate to keep asking the same people for help.

Anyway, as soon as I get out of the hospital, I am always back at work again, because I'm always concerned about having enough sick days. I've caught my picc line on stuff at school--including kids, sometimes. Luckily, I've never ripped it out at school, although I did rip it out at home once and had to hit the ER.

I am not always able to fit in my Vest time, let alone fit in exercise. I am thinking about trying the Wii Fit. Does anybody do that or know someone who does? I thought it would be something that my son could do with me to help keep him occupied/involved.

I can do treatments with my 6-week-old in my sling and my 4-year-old can sit by me at the computer and we play preschool games together or pick out pictures to email to the grandparents.

I know what you mean about wanting to enjoy the summer and not be sick. I'm trying to get up to my pre-pregnancy FEV1 (80%--right now I'm at about 72%), as well. Although it seems like each new thing I recommend to my doctor for me to try he shoots down. I'm going to see an Allergist at the end of the month, right before my appointment with my CF doc. Hopefully, he agrees with what the allergist recommends. Also, I plan to bring some articles from the internet to support the meds I'd like to add, so that I can raise my FEV1. I want to try Singulair, Allegra or Zyrtec, and Azithromycin. Anyone on Azithromycin with breastfeeding?

I hope need a tuneup any time soon, because I feel like I work, come home and feed the baby, do a treatment, eat, feed the baby, zone out on the couch (semi awake nap), get my older son through his bed routine, do another treatment, shower, feed the baby and sleep. How could I fit in IV meds, too? I can't wait til summer break! It's getting to be the best thing about teaching. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm sorry things are tough right now. I have been so sick over the last year with my pregnancy, that I feel like I've exhausted all my friend support. Two of the times I was in the hospital my husband was out of town and my friends had to take care of my four-year-old. I don't know what I'll do if I need support again. I don't have family living close and I hate to keep asking the same people for help.
<br />
<br />Anyway, as soon as I get out of the hospital, I am always back at work again, because I'm always concerned about having enough sick days. I've caught my picc line on stuff at school--including kids, sometimes. Luckily, I've never ripped it out at school, although I did rip it out at home once and had to hit the ER.
<br />
<br />I am not always able to fit in my Vest time, let alone fit in exercise. I am thinking about trying the Wii Fit. Does anybody do that or know someone who does? I thought it would be something that my son could do with me to help keep him occupied/involved.
<br />
<br />I can do treatments with my 6-week-old in my sling and my 4-year-old can sit by me at the computer and we play preschool games together or pick out pictures to email to the grandparents.
<br />
<br />I know what you mean about wanting to enjoy the summer and not be sick. I'm trying to get up to my pre-pregnancy FEV1 (80%--right now I'm at about 72%), as well. Although it seems like each new thing I recommend to my doctor for me to try he shoots down. I'm going to see an Allergist at the end of the month, right before my appointment with my CF doc. Hopefully, he agrees with what the allergist recommends. Also, I plan to bring some articles from the internet to support the meds I'd like to add, so that I can raise my FEV1. I want to try Singulair, Allegra or Zyrtec, and Azithromycin. Anyone on Azithromycin with breastfeeding?
<br />
<br />I hope need a tuneup any time soon, because I feel like I work, come home and feed the baby, do a treatment, eat, feed the baby, zone out on the couch (semi awake nap), get my older son through his bed routine, do another treatment, shower, feed the baby and sleep. How could I fit in IV meds, too? I can't wait til summer break! It's getting to be the best thing about teaching. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">