First of all let me just remind you that you are only looking for a solution for the next 6 or so months of which much of that is summer when people are a lot more flexible generally. The reason I say this is b/c at that point she will be 2.5-3 yrs old and you can enroll her in a morning or two of pre-school or a drop off type activity for kids at the park & rec. If she is "advanced" for her age you can "adjust" her age to match the requirements of a given activity. I wouldn't think of it as lieing. We work extra hard with our kids to be independent and therefore they may be more advanced. I got this idea from other cf moms.
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<br />Okay here are my ideas and thoughts.
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<br /><OL>1</OL>It is my understanding that your biggest support system is your dh and his family. If you had to be admitted for a long period of time in the hospital these are the people that would most likely come to your rescue, right? I'm sure that they would be happy to help you once a week - maybe even for a full day - if you honestly feel it would benefit your health (which IMO it would). Think of your health as a savings acct. I'm sure they, like others, would rather make weekly deposits in the hundreds than a quarterly, whooper of a payment in the thousands. Also a way to think about it is scheduled vs crisis. Most people would rather something (even if unpleasant) scheduled rather than interrupting in a crisis manner in their life which is what it is like when we have to go in-patient, no? Why not talk with the MIL frankly about her ability to help out. See what level of commitment she is comfortable with.
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<br />Also, since it is family get over feeling guilt and like you are taking advantage of them. They love you (and your family) and want what is best for you. Of course you want to show appreciation but a 'tit for tat' or 'even steven' approach you may take with a friend need not apply here. I know this is easier said than done. It's not easy asking for help...especially admitting we need on-going help. Get over it though
![Smile :) :)]()
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<br /><OL>2a</OL> I believe the MIL has many children. If any of them are in the area and are above the age of 13 consider hiring them as a mother's helper or babysitter on a set basis. Teach them to do things around the house as well as taking care of lo. You could be very structured with this person's time especially if some time for play w/ lo, time for chores, etc. Or if you have plans to workout outside the home then it is childcare and I believe shouldn't do chores until lo is older. After some time this person will be able to run your household at least as your lo's needs are concerned. My mom had someone that she trained like this (even learned chest pt) and by the time the girl was 16 my parents could leave her with my bro and I for an overnight so they could escape to the city for a night.
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<br /><OL>2b</OL> Hire a mother's helper/babysitter through your church or other community based network. Even if you won't use this person on a weekly basis begin setting up a relationship. This way when other portions of your support system breakdown you have backup. This is a way you can explain it to dh too. You don't want to be too dependent on one leg of your support system when a cf family needs so much support. This will be good in case you actually need back up but also lowers our stress load which is important to our health. Stress = illness.
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<br /><OL>3</OL> Make a babysitting club. I can give you more details on how to do this as I am part of one. But basically each 1/2 hr you babysit a child you earn a point. The points can be redeemed for other mom's babysitting your child. The more mom's involved the more likely you will find someone when you need a sitter. Our club is traditional babysitting where the sitter goes to the location of the child and therefore is only for night since that is when our dh's are home to care for our own child while we go out and sit. There's no reason why dads couldn't sit as well.
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<br /><OL>4</OL> She's now at an age where she could be dropped off for a playdate and not be more hassle for the mom. In fact, she may entertain the host's child more than the child otherwise would have been.
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<br />This could be a two way street. You take her kid on Tues and she takes your kid on Thurs. from 9-12. for example.
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<br /><OL>5</OL> A babysitting exchange. Some of the girls in my playgroup do this. Personally I couldn't handle the commitment and would be fearful of germs since mom's come to depend on "their weekly time alone" and drop off even with a runny nose I'm afraid. (I have a strict policy of no sick kids at my house which everyone knows). Here's how it works though. If you can figure out a way that would work for you let me know! Max participation is 3-4 moms and 3-4 they only drop off the one child that is near your child's age. Mom A babysits all the kids one week, the next week all the kids go to Mom B's house, and the following Mom C. Each week one person sits out so you each month you get one week where you sit all the kids, 2 wks of your child babysat and one week you sit out. I hope that made sense. Ours runs 9-12.
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<br /><OL>6</OL> You know those people that say "Let me know if there is anything I can do to ever help." Take advantage of their offer!!! Don't feel guilt about having used their help instead pay them back in some manner. Tonight I babysat a friend's 2 children so she and her husband could go out. She watched Isaac all day while I got my PICC placed this last time I did IVs. Another way to repay a person is to cook double and bring them dinner when you are well. Or encourage some drop off playdates or whatever the person may riding lessons? mural painting? Dig through your talent list - what is easy for you - and offer it. Barter systems are great.
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<br />Okay that's it for now. Hope this helps.
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<br />For the working out I go to a gym that has childwatch with max 8 kids. If anyone enters with a runny nose or acts out of character or sickly to please notify me while in my aerobics class. This works for me because I need flexibility. I attempt to go every day but some days I'm not up for it which is fine b/c my goal is 3 times a week. I get up at 8 and go to a 9:30 class. I'm out the door of the gym by 10:50 which gives me a little time to do one more errand before going home and making lunch for Isaac and I and then we both nap from 12:30 to 2:30. Now that weather is nicer, if we didn't go to gym in AM we will go for stroller walk in afternoon. I will write more about my daily routine another time. I've had a lot to adjust to since Isaac was born. It majorly changed my life.