more energy


New member
Does anyone have any tips for getting more energy through the day. My lung function is in the 80s/3.0 and I run 3 miles about 3 times a week. That helps a little for some extra energy but most of the time its hard to make myself get up and do the things that need to get done. I get so lazy sometimes. Why does this happen to cfers? Is it because of the lower then normal lung function? I try coffee and green tea but it doesnt do too much!


New member
Does anyone have any tips for getting more energy through the day. My lung function is in the 80s/3.0 and I run 3 miles about 3 times a week. That helps a little for some extra energy but most of the time its hard to make myself get up and do the things that need to get done. I get so lazy sometimes. Why does this happen to cfers? Is it because of the lower then normal lung function? I try coffee and green tea but it doesnt do too much!


New member
Does anyone have any tips for getting more energy through the day. My lung function is in the 80s/3.0 and I run 3 miles about 3 times a week. That helps a little for some extra energy but most of the time its hard to make myself get up and do the things that need to get done. I get so lazy sometimes. Why does this happen to cfers? Is it because of the lower then normal lung function? I try coffee and green tea but it doesnt do too much!


New member
Well my lung function is about 18% and I sleep 16 hours a day lay around when I'm not sleeping and on a good day I might drive to the local convenience store or meet a friend at a fast food restaurant, but I have found caffeine helps a little and advil normally makes me a little perkier.


New member
Well my lung function is about 18% and I sleep 16 hours a day lay around when I'm not sleeping and on a good day I might drive to the local convenience store or meet a friend at a fast food restaurant, but I have found caffeine helps a little and advil normally makes me a little perkier.


New member
Well my lung function is about 18% and I sleep 16 hours a day lay around when I'm not sleeping and on a good day I might drive to the local convenience store or meet a friend at a fast food restaurant, but I have found caffeine helps a little and advil normally makes me a little perkier.


New member
I drink Emergen-C packets. I get them at Walmart...a few of those usually give me an energy boost. Yoga also seems to help, but I am really bad about doing is regularly.


New member
I drink Emergen-C packets. I get them at Walmart...a few of those usually give me an energy boost. Yoga also seems to help, but I am really bad about doing is regularly.


New member
I drink Emergen-C packets. I get them at Walmart...a few of those usually give me an energy boost. Yoga also seems to help, but I am really bad about doing is regularly.


There is an herb called "Kratom" that can substantially boost your energy.

I take it every now and then when I'm not feeling good, and it gives me loads of energy... I usually end up cleaning and organizing because I feel so good. It's great stuff but should only be taken a few times a week at most because it can he habit forming. If you google "kratom extract" you can find out all you need to know. Or google the plant itself "mitragyna speciosa"

In comparison to caffeine and the other readily available stimulants, kratom is far superior in every way. It is a stimulant but also a relaxant... meaning, there are no jitters or anxiety like caffeine can sometimes cause. It doesn't interfere with sleep; on the contrary, it enhances sleep. It's a very unique and useful herb. I can't say enough about it.


There is an herb called "Kratom" that can substantially boost your energy.

I take it every now and then when I'm not feeling good, and it gives me loads of energy... I usually end up cleaning and organizing because I feel so good. It's great stuff but should only be taken a few times a week at most because it can he habit forming. If you google "kratom extract" you can find out all you need to know. Or google the plant itself "mitragyna speciosa"

In comparison to caffeine and the other readily available stimulants, kratom is far superior in every way. It is a stimulant but also a relaxant... meaning, there are no jitters or anxiety like caffeine can sometimes cause. It doesn't interfere with sleep; on the contrary, it enhances sleep. It's a very unique and useful herb. I can't say enough about it.


There is an herb called "Kratom" that can substantially boost your energy.
<br />
<br />I take it every now and then when I'm not feeling good, and it gives me loads of energy... I usually end up cleaning and organizing because I feel so good. It's great stuff but should only be taken a few times a week at most because it can he habit forming. If you google "kratom extract" you can find out all you need to know. Or google the plant itself "mitragyna speciosa"
<br />
<br />In comparison to caffeine and the other readily available stimulants, kratom is far superior in every way. It is a stimulant but also a relaxant... meaning, there are no jitters or anxiety like caffeine can sometimes cause. It doesn't interfere with sleep; on the contrary, it enhances sleep. It's a very unique and useful herb. I can't say enough about it.


New member
Hi there,

I think CFers are more prone to getting tired due to the fact that our bodies are always fighting infection.

I usually get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, but whenever I have the chance to take a nap, I do! I find that if I'm just sitting around being bored it makes me more tired. So if I keep myself busy and active, I feel better about myself and have more energy.


New member
Hi there,

I think CFers are more prone to getting tired due to the fact that our bodies are always fighting infection.

I usually get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, but whenever I have the chance to take a nap, I do! I find that if I'm just sitting around being bored it makes me more tired. So if I keep myself busy and active, I feel better about myself and have more energy.


New member
Hi there,
<br />
<br />I think CFers are more prone to getting tired due to the fact that our bodies are always fighting infection.
<br />
<br />I usually get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, but whenever I have the chance to take a nap, I do! I find that if I'm just sitting around being bored it makes me more tired. So if I keep myself busy and active, I feel better about myself and have more energy.


New member
Coffee is my go-to energy boost. I love it, I drink it, and it definitely gives me a nice burst of energy. Of course, there is no substitute for getting a good night's rest, and when I feel very run down, I listen to my body and allow myself to nap or just sit down for a while. I've also found that changing my diet has helped. I used to eat processed foods, lots of carbs, and not many veg and fruit. Now I try to eat a healthy varied diet with lots of fruit and veg (different colors), and I feel better all around. Finally, I think there's something to be said about nourishing your emotional energy- if you are drained emotionally, you are much less likely to feel physically energetic.


New member
Coffee is my go-to energy boost. I love it, I drink it, and it definitely gives me a nice burst of energy. Of course, there is no substitute for getting a good night's rest, and when I feel very run down, I listen to my body and allow myself to nap or just sit down for a while. I've also found that changing my diet has helped. I used to eat processed foods, lots of carbs, and not many veg and fruit. Now I try to eat a healthy varied diet with lots of fruit and veg (different colors), and I feel better all around. Finally, I think there's something to be said about nourishing your emotional energy- if you are drained emotionally, you are much less likely to feel physically energetic.