More mucus in stool w a cold?


New member
Izzy was diagnosed from her newborn screening and hospitalized at her first CF appointment (about 8 wks old). At that point, she had only gained a couple ounces since birth and she had a 'cough'. She has cultured H. Flu twice since then. She's about 4.5 months old and has been consistently picking up weight over the last month. She just hit 12lbs at her appointment last week. Yay!

She has had some mucus in her stools on a regular basis. (That's normal, right?)But this morning she had a normal BM and then had several small, very mucus-y BMs over the next couple hours.

My oldest daughter has had cough the last several days and I think Izzy has caught it (despite our best efforts). Can a 'cold' cause this increase in mucus? Is there any reason to be concerned?


New member
Izzy was diagnosed from her newborn screening and hospitalized at her first CF appointment (about 8 wks old). At that point, she had only gained a couple ounces since birth and she had a 'cough'. She has cultured H. Flu twice since then. She's about 4.5 months old and has been consistently picking up weight over the last month. She just hit 12lbs at her appointment last week. Yay!

She has had some mucus in her stools on a regular basis. (That's normal, right?)But this morning she had a normal BM and then had several small, very mucus-y BMs over the next couple hours.

My oldest daughter has had cough the last several days and I think Izzy has caught it (despite our best efforts). Can a 'cold' cause this increase in mucus? Is there any reason to be concerned?


New member
Izzy was diagnosed from her newborn screening and hospitalized at her first CF appointment (about 8 wks old). At that point, she had only gained a couple ounces since birth and she had a 'cough'. She has cultured H. Flu twice since then. She's about 4.5 months old and has been consistently picking up weight over the last month. She just hit 12lbs at her appointment last week. Yay!
<br />
<br />She has had some mucus in her stools on a regular basis. (That's normal, right?)But this morning she had a normal BM and then had several small, very mucus-y BMs over the next couple hours.
<br />
<br />My oldest daughter has had cough the last several days and I think Izzy has caught it (despite our best efforts). Can a 'cold' cause this increase in mucus? Is there any reason to be concerned?


New member
Hi Alanna -

It's not uncommon to see mucus in the stool. In fact, you may see it quite often. The mucus in the stools can be concerning if it causes constipation. I've had mucus in CF stools described as "glue-like" by our dietician...the volume of production varies from person-to-person.


New member
Hi Alanna -

It's not uncommon to see mucus in the stool. In fact, you may see it quite often. The mucus in the stools can be concerning if it causes constipation. I've had mucus in CF stools described as "glue-like" by our dietician...the volume of production varies from person-to-person.


New member
Hi Alanna -
<br />
<br />It's not uncommon to see mucus in the stool. In fact, you may see it quite often. The mucus in the stools can be concerning if it causes constipation. I've had mucus in CF stools described as "glue-like" by our dietician...the volume of production varies from person-to-person.