Anyone with any experience of pseudomonas in younger children (silly question on a CF page I suppose)?
Our 3yr old appears to have a stronger growth now than before he started on Tobi and Ciproxin for pseudo. Doctors suggestions are try Colomycin or move straight to 2 weeks of IVs. We'd obviously like to knock this on its head but am wondering if hospital is needed.
His cough is stronger now than before he started any treatment.In fact he rarely coughed before that.
Any thoughts on best way forward?
Matthew's Dad.
Our 3yr old appears to have a stronger growth now than before he started on Tobi and Ciproxin for pseudo. Doctors suggestions are try Colomycin or move straight to 2 weeks of IVs. We'd obviously like to knock this on its head but am wondering if hospital is needed.
His cough is stronger now than before he started any treatment.In fact he rarely coughed before that.
Any thoughts on best way forward?
Matthew's Dad.