Most thorough test?


New member
I believe that my daughter may have CF - if not I have no idea what is wrong with her. However, her GI doctor insists that a sweat test is the most conclusive test out there. Since hers was negative he refuses to pursue further testing. I am going to try to get a second opinion - but I would like to know what the most thorough genetic test is and how much it will cost. If we do wind up having to pay out of pocket I would like to be prepared, either way I'll need to know what test to ask for. thank you for your help!


New member
I believe that my daughter may have CF - if not I have no idea what is wrong with her. However, her GI doctor insists that a sweat test is the most conclusive test out there. Since hers was negative he refuses to pursue further testing. I am going to try to get a second opinion - but I would like to know what the most thorough genetic test is and how much it will cost. If we do wind up having to pay out of pocket I would like to be prepared, either way I'll need to know what test to ask for. thank you for your help!


New member
I believe that my daughter may have CF - if not I have no idea what is wrong with her. However, her GI doctor insists that a sweat test is the most conclusive test out there. Since hers was negative he refuses to pursue further testing. I am going to try to get a second opinion - but I would like to know what the most thorough genetic test is and how much it will cost. If we do wind up having to pay out of pocket I would like to be prepared, either way I'll need to know what test to ask for. thank you for your help!


New member
I believe that my daughter may have CF - if not I have no idea what is wrong with her. However, her GI doctor insists that a sweat test is the most conclusive test out there. Since hers was negative he refuses to pursue further testing. I am going to try to get a second opinion - but I would like to know what the most thorough genetic test is and how much it will cost. If we do wind up having to pay out of pocket I would like to be prepared, either way I'll need to know what test to ask for. thank you for your help!


New member
I believe that my daughter may have CF - if not I have no idea what is wrong with her. However, her GI doctor insists that a sweat test is the most conclusive test out there. Since hers was negative he refuses to pursue further testing. I am going to try to get a second opinion - but I would like to know what the most thorough genetic test is and how much it will cost. If we do wind up having to pay out of pocket I would like to be prepared, either way I'll need to know what test to ask for. thank you for your help!


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> will give you the information you need. you can also ask the company more questions about costs if you need more info.


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> will give you the information you need. you can also ask the company more questions about costs if you need more info.


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> will give you the information you need. you can also ask the company more questions about costs if you need more info.


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> will give you the information you need. you can also ask the company more questions about costs if you need more info.


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> will give you the information you need. you can also ask the company more questions about costs if you need more info.


Staff member
Since you're talking about switching doctors and getting a second opinion, it's probably a moot point; however, one thing we've done when doctors have refused to do certain testing is to ask them to put it in writing. Usually they're not to keen on having a paper trail follow them.

There are several people on this site, including our son who had normal sweat test results.


Staff member
Since you're talking about switching doctors and getting a second opinion, it's probably a moot point; however, one thing we've done when doctors have refused to do certain testing is to ask them to put it in writing. Usually they're not to keen on having a paper trail follow them.

There are several people on this site, including our son who had normal sweat test results.


Staff member
Since you're talking about switching doctors and getting a second opinion, it's probably a moot point; however, one thing we've done when doctors have refused to do certain testing is to ask them to put it in writing. Usually they're not to keen on having a paper trail follow them.

There are several people on this site, including our son who had normal sweat test results.


Staff member
Since you're talking about switching doctors and getting a second opinion, it's probably a moot point; however, one thing we've done when doctors have refused to do certain testing is to ask them to put it in writing. Usually they're not to keen on having a paper trail follow them.

There are several people on this site, including our son who had normal sweat test results.


Staff member
Since you're talking about switching doctors and getting a second opinion, it's probably a moot point; however, one thing we've done when doctors have refused to do certain testing is to ask them to put it in writing. Usually they're not to keen on having a paper trail follow them.

There are several people on this site, including our son who had normal sweat test results.


New member
Thank you for your responses -

Liza that is a good suggestion! I really feel like he just doesn't care if we find out what is wrong. At this point he has run lots of other tests and since everything has come back normal he seems to think she is fine! The normal sweat test people turning out to have CF is something he just will not process. He just keeps saying there is no way.


New member
Thank you for your responses -

Liza that is a good suggestion! I really feel like he just doesn't care if we find out what is wrong. At this point he has run lots of other tests and since everything has come back normal he seems to think she is fine! The normal sweat test people turning out to have CF is something he just will not process. He just keeps saying there is no way.


New member
Thank you for your responses -

Liza that is a good suggestion! I really feel like he just doesn't care if we find out what is wrong. At this point he has run lots of other tests and since everything has come back normal he seems to think she is fine! The normal sweat test people turning out to have CF is something he just will not process. He just keeps saying there is no way.


New member
Thank you for your responses -

Liza that is a good suggestion! I really feel like he just doesn't care if we find out what is wrong. At this point he has run lots of other tests and since everything has come back normal he seems to think she is fine! The normal sweat test people turning out to have CF is something he just will not process. He just keeps saying there is no way.


New member
Thank you for your responses -

Liza that is a good suggestion! I really feel like he just doesn't care if we find out what is wrong. At this point he has run lots of other tests and since everything has come back normal he seems to think she is fine! The normal sweat test people turning out to have CF is something he just will not process. He just keeps saying there is no way.