Mothers with CF


New member
I think each case would be individual. I tried my first marriage for over a year & it never happened.
My second time around, I got "surprised" and it happened in a matter of weeks! There probably isn't a "time line", so to say. Everyone has their own timing.
have you been trying for sometime now?


New member
You may get more information by looking at the past posts about getting pregnant with CF, also HollyCatheryn has a website all about getting pregnant/being pregnant with CF. Good luck <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

I posted on here before asking about the whole 'having children' issue. I received lots of advice and would like to say thanks for that, and yes, Holly Catheryns website was really good - you should have a read through.

Since my initial thoughts about it I have had a chat with my consultant and am now unsure what to do. My current lung function is FEV 65% and that's after 2 weeks IV's. Apparently the 'cut off' point for pregnancy is 60% so he advised me to have a long hard think about it before I go ahead and start trying - is it going to completely ruin my own health? Therefore leaving me to poorly to look after my own child, or at worse, leave the child motherless. I must say it hit me quite hard and at first I was determined to go ahead anyway as I've always wanted children. Now I've had a think and realise that was selfish of me - it wouldn't be fair on my partner, or on the child. So for now I've put the plans on hold - perhaps if my lung function ever jumps up in the future I can rethink.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
It didnt take me long at all to get pregnant the first time I tried but then when I did I got scared for my health and had an abortion. Then about 2 years later I tried for about 5 months and was about to give up. I actually cried because I thought it was impossible, So I turned to God cause I wanted a baby more then anything and I swear about 2 weeks after I prayed to God I took a home preg test and it was possitive. So I have a feeling hes not gonna let me miss her grow up


New member
I tried for one year before becoming pregnant with my wonderful daughter, Murren. I got my periods back almost two years ago now, but no pregnancy yet. My website has the average listed and I think it is about 2-3 years trying. They didn't include in that whether people took matters into their own hands (IVF, IUI) or not. Everyone is different though. A lot has to do with your mucus, your cycles, your overall health, and the availability of sperm at the appropriate time (tehehe).