

New member
They have Poker Runs around here on bikes for March of Dimes and a lot of personal benefits. We were actually thinking of doing one for CF with boats on the Mississippi River. The local casino/hotel told us they would donate the purse for the winner. It will take us some time to set up, but anyway Lilith I think that is kind of like what you are talking about for the group rides. They seem to have a lot of fun doing them. As far as bikes go...I'll stick to the water!


New member
LOL! I love the water, too, so I can't complain! But yeah, that is pretty much what I meant. Never been on a poker run myself, but my dad has a long time ago for Toys for Tots. He strapped a big teddy bear to the back of his Fat Bob. *lol* I wasn't even born then, but I would have killed to see this big black monster machine with a cute teddy on the back of it!