Moving due to CF


New member
My daughter Korinna is 17 months old and was diagnosed with CF at 2 weeks old through the newborn screen. We live in Md now. I do like being so close to Hopkins, but our weather is really bad for her. She gets sick when there is a change in temp. Here one day it is cold and the next it is warm and then she is sick. She has been in the hospital twice for atleast 4 days and she has also had a picc for a month. They had her on three different meds through her picc. We are thinking about moving to Louisana or somewhere that it is warm almost all of the year. They have a good CF center there also. I am not sure if it is a good as Hopkins or not. Any advice??? Where is a good place to live when weather is a factor in how sick she gets?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter Korinna is 17 months old and was diagnosed with CF at 2 weeks old through the newborn screen. We live in Md now. I do like being so close to Hopkins, but our weather is really bad for her. She gets sick when there is a change in temp. Here one day it is cold and the next it is warm and then she is sick. She has been in the hospital twice for atleast 4 days and she has also had a picc for a month. They had her on three different meds through her picc. We are thinking about moving to Louisana or somewhere that it is warm almost all of the year. They have a good CF center there also. I am not sure if it is a good as Hopkins or not. Any advice??? Where is a good place to live when weather is a factor in how sick she gets?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter Korinna is 17 months old and was diagnosed with CF at 2 weeks old through the newborn screen. We live in Md now. I do like being so close to Hopkins, but our weather is really bad for her. She gets sick when there is a change in temp. Here one day it is cold and the next it is warm and then she is sick. She has been in the hospital twice for atleast 4 days and she has also had a picc for a month. They had her on three different meds through her picc. We are thinking about moving to Louisana or somewhere that it is warm almost all of the year. They have a good CF center there also. I am not sure if it is a good as Hopkins or not. Any advice??? Where is a good place to live when weather is a factor in how sick she gets?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter Korinna is 17 months old and was diagnosed with CF at 2 weeks old through the newborn screen. We live in Md now. I do like being so close to Hopkins, but our weather is really bad for her. She gets sick when there is a change in temp. Here one day it is cold and the next it is warm and then she is sick. She has been in the hospital twice for atleast 4 days and she has also had a picc for a month. They had her on three different meds through her picc. We are thinking about moving to Louisana or somewhere that it is warm almost all of the year. They have a good CF center there also. I am not sure if it is a good as Hopkins or not. Any advice??? Where is a good place to live when weather is a factor in how sick she gets?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter Korinna is 17 months old and was diagnosed with CF at 2 weeks old through the newborn screen. We live in Md now. I do like being so close to Hopkins, but our weather is really bad for her. She gets sick when there is a change in temp. Here one day it is cold and the next it is warm and then she is sick. She has been in the hospital twice for atleast 4 days and she has also had a picc for a month. They had her on three different meds through her picc. We are thinking about moving to Louisana or somewhere that it is warm almost all of the year. They have a good CF center there also. I am not sure if it is a good as Hopkins or not. Any advice??? Where is a good place to live when weather is a factor in how sick she gets?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Kjasonjs.

I don't have any advice on where to move, but I wanted to welcome you. This site is a great source of information and support. I'm glad you found us.



New member
Hi Kjasonjs.

I don't have any advice on where to move, but I wanted to welcome you. This site is a great source of information and support. I'm glad you found us.



New member
Hi Kjasonjs.

I don't have any advice on where to move, but I wanted to welcome you. This site is a great source of information and support. I'm glad you found us.



New member
Hi Kjasonjs.

I don't have any advice on where to move, but I wanted to welcome you. This site is a great source of information and support. I'm glad you found us.



New member
Hi Kjasonjs.

I don't have any advice on where to move, but I wanted to welcome you. This site is a great source of information and support. I'm glad you found us.



Hi there, and Welcome!

Have you talked with Korinna's current doctor to see what he/she thinks about how much climate has to do with her health? We moved from Michigan to North Carolina almost 1 year ago and before we told my hubby's employer we would move I spoke with our doctor about climate change. She told me that she didn't think it would matter, that sometimes there is an adjustment period, but that it shouldn't make a difference in the progression of Andrew's disease.

Well, since we moved he has had his first pulmonary exacerbation and I have to question wether or not the humidity here has anything to do with it. But I guess I'll never really know.

We like the winters here because they don't get bitter cold like the temps you find in Michigan and Maryland. August here is very hot, but you just stay inside more. The summer humidity gets really back for 6 to 7 weeks of the summer, but other than that, the climate if very nice. UNC Chapel Hill is one of the best CF centers in the country. We love it.

Good luck as you decide what to do!


Hi there, and Welcome!

Have you talked with Korinna's current doctor to see what he/she thinks about how much climate has to do with her health? We moved from Michigan to North Carolina almost 1 year ago and before we told my hubby's employer we would move I spoke with our doctor about climate change. She told me that she didn't think it would matter, that sometimes there is an adjustment period, but that it shouldn't make a difference in the progression of Andrew's disease.

Well, since we moved he has had his first pulmonary exacerbation and I have to question wether or not the humidity here has anything to do with it. But I guess I'll never really know.

We like the winters here because they don't get bitter cold like the temps you find in Michigan and Maryland. August here is very hot, but you just stay inside more. The summer humidity gets really back for 6 to 7 weeks of the summer, but other than that, the climate if very nice. UNC Chapel Hill is one of the best CF centers in the country. We love it.

Good luck as you decide what to do!


Hi there, and Welcome!

Have you talked with Korinna's current doctor to see what he/she thinks about how much climate has to do with her health? We moved from Michigan to North Carolina almost 1 year ago and before we told my hubby's employer we would move I spoke with our doctor about climate change. She told me that she didn't think it would matter, that sometimes there is an adjustment period, but that it shouldn't make a difference in the progression of Andrew's disease.

Well, since we moved he has had his first pulmonary exacerbation and I have to question wether or not the humidity here has anything to do with it. But I guess I'll never really know.

We like the winters here because they don't get bitter cold like the temps you find in Michigan and Maryland. August here is very hot, but you just stay inside more. The summer humidity gets really back for 6 to 7 weeks of the summer, but other than that, the climate if very nice. UNC Chapel Hill is one of the best CF centers in the country. We love it.

Good luck as you decide what to do!


Hi there, and Welcome!

Have you talked with Korinna's current doctor to see what he/she thinks about how much climate has to do with her health? We moved from Michigan to North Carolina almost 1 year ago and before we told my hubby's employer we would move I spoke with our doctor about climate change. She told me that she didn't think it would matter, that sometimes there is an adjustment period, but that it shouldn't make a difference in the progression of Andrew's disease.

Well, since we moved he has had his first pulmonary exacerbation and I have to question wether or not the humidity here has anything to do with it. But I guess I'll never really know.

We like the winters here because they don't get bitter cold like the temps you find in Michigan and Maryland. August here is very hot, but you just stay inside more. The summer humidity gets really back for 6 to 7 weeks of the summer, but other than that, the climate if very nice. UNC Chapel Hill is one of the best CF centers in the country. We love it.

Good luck as you decide what to do!


Hi there, and Welcome!

Have you talked with Korinna's current doctor to see what he/she thinks about how much climate has to do with her health? We moved from Michigan to North Carolina almost 1 year ago and before we told my hubby's employer we would move I spoke with our doctor about climate change. She told me that she didn't think it would matter, that sometimes there is an adjustment period, but that it shouldn't make a difference in the progression of Andrew's disease.

Well, since we moved he has had his first pulmonary exacerbation and I have to question wether or not the humidity here has anything to do with it. But I guess I'll never really know.

We like the winters here because they don't get bitter cold like the temps you find in Michigan and Maryland. August here is very hot, but you just stay inside more. The summer humidity gets really back for 6 to 7 weeks of the summer, but other than that, the climate if very nice. UNC Chapel Hill is one of the best CF centers in the country. We love it.

Good luck as you decide what to do!


New member
We have talked to her Drs and they do think that the weather does play a role in her getting sick. It never fails. They did say that she would do better somewhere where the temp is more steady. I think what gets her is the drop in temps. She was fine all summer and once it started getting cold she got sick. It looks like until we d move we are stuck in the house with her.


New member
We have talked to her Drs and they do think that the weather does play a role in her getting sick. It never fails. They did say that she would do better somewhere where the temp is more steady. I think what gets her is the drop in temps. She was fine all summer and once it started getting cold she got sick. It looks like until we d move we are stuck in the house with her.


New member
We have talked to her Drs and they do think that the weather does play a role in her getting sick. It never fails. They did say that she would do better somewhere where the temp is more steady. I think what gets her is the drop in temps. She was fine all summer and once it started getting cold she got sick. It looks like until we d move we are stuck in the house with her.


New member
We have talked to her Drs and they do think that the weather does play a role in her getting sick. It never fails. They did say that she would do better somewhere where the temp is more steady. I think what gets her is the drop in temps. She was fine all summer and once it started getting cold she got sick. It looks like until we d move we are stuck in the house with her.


New member
We have talked to her Drs and they do think that the weather does play a role in her getting sick. It never fails. They did say that she would do better somewhere where the temp is more steady. I think what gets her is the drop in temps. She was fine all summer and once it started getting cold she got sick. It looks like until we d move we are stuck in the house with her.