Hello! My husband and I are looking to make a move from Central Texas to Colorado. We want to be close enough to National Jewish in Denver for CF care. However, we are mainly moving because my allergies and asthma is so bad here in central Texas. Austin is one of the worst places to live with allergies. My Dr. thinks I actually might improve if I was in a different climate. Most of my cf exacerbations begin with allergies and asthma. I'm on Xolair shots but this year they aren't touching it. Fall allergy season has already begun early here due to the fact that we didn't have a freeze this year. Austin does not get too cold. Which I'm thankful for...but apparently colder climates are better for allergy sufferers. ??? Another reason we want to move is because healthcare costs are so high in our region. I start Medicare in Sept..I'm on SSDI and there is only ONE supplemental plan I'm eligible for. It is $367 (that's on top of my medicare that is $109 and I have to pick a prescription plan too which will be extra). In Colorado there are multiple plans and they are half the cost. If you live in CO or go to Denver any input would be appreciated. I know the clinic is good, I've seen people blog about that everywhere! I also talked to my Dr. here about them. We want to live somewhere affordable and safe. Who doesn't? LOL. I haven't read good things about living in the actual city of CO Springs...but Denver seems expensive.
-Can anyone give me good areas to look at? We also have a 2 year old.
-How is the elevation on your lungs? We visited Durango CO this past summer and didn't have issues.
Is that hard on your lungs? I guess the same could be said for our 100 degree heat.
-We live in a small town now outside of Austin and I really like the country/small town feel. Then again I don't want to be stuck in the snow and can't get to Denver to the hospital or appts! Right now we are close to the highway so we can get to clinic in 30 min.
-Any healthcare programs you know about it? I am planning on calling the social worker at National Jewish.
Last but not least...we own our home here and don't want to sell it. We may rent it but are not sure. We want to lease somewhere short term for 3 months to see how we like it..or how it is on health. Find child care etc. Airbnb is too expensive for long term rentals it seems. Most house leases are 6 months or more. It looks like we will have to rent an apartment for a 3 month lease. Not ideal bc we have a dog (husky mutt short haired). Taking him in and out of the cold to use the bathroom might be challenging and getting him leased trained again. Then again, it's not impossible and I'm prob whining too much
. Do you know anyone who can help us with this type of request? Finding a short term rental. We are planning on coming up to visit for a week to look at housing and everything. Really wishing we knew more people that lived there for a place to stay while we're house hunting. We do have a call into a friend's God parents but I feel weird asking when I don't know them. It's a huge request to ask of someone. So anyways..maybe we'll bnb it for the visit at least. Prob cheaper than a hotel.
-Can anyone give me good areas to look at? We also have a 2 year old.
-How is the elevation on your lungs? We visited Durango CO this past summer and didn't have issues.
-We live in a small town now outside of Austin and I really like the country/small town feel. Then again I don't want to be stuck in the snow and can't get to Denver to the hospital or appts! Right now we are close to the highway so we can get to clinic in 30 min.
-Any healthcare programs you know about it? I am planning on calling the social worker at National Jewish.
Last but not least...we own our home here and don't want to sell it. We may rent it but are not sure. We want to lease somewhere short term for 3 months to see how we like it..or how it is on health. Find child care etc. Airbnb is too expensive for long term rentals it seems. Most house leases are 6 months or more. It looks like we will have to rent an apartment for a 3 month lease. Not ideal bc we have a dog (husky mutt short haired). Taking him in and out of the cold to use the bathroom might be challenging and getting him leased trained again. Then again, it's not impossible and I'm prob whining too much