MRSA anyone?


New member
MRSA never goes away. When emily and others say they cultured it before but currently don't its dormant. Once you have it, it is always there but is NOT always active. It's like having herpies or mononucelosis. Neither of them ever completely go away or are cured, but they do lay dormant, and some people are lucky to where they "lay dormant" for the rest of their lives. It is very individual.

As far as vanco, it's a drug you really have to be careful with because if your MRSA becomes resistant to that, there isn't another stronger antibiotic out yet, although they are working at it. the Staph Areus (sp) use to be treated by Methlyn but it has since resistant to Mehlyn (sp). Hence the Methly resistant. There were a few years where they were without antibiotics to treat this, then the vanco was created. I haven't heard of nebulized vanco, although it seems a good idea. Hopefully someone else can address that part of your question.



New member
I know they're both totally different bacterias. I have cultured MRSA and I have cultured several different strains of pseudomonas. All I meant is that I haven't cultured the MRSA since I was 17. Which means, as Julie said, that it's just kind of chilling in there, keeping a low profile. Hah. I still culture pseudomonas. Basically I was saying that right now any sickness I get, I attribute to the pseudo because I haven't actively cultured MRSA in 4 years. But I know they're different, and I know I've got both. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I dont want to start an argument or anything but you say it NEVER goes away. But if you dont culture it how do you know its there?

By culture do you mean "the lab finds a large amount of it and It is causing you to be sick" or "the lab finds ANY small trace of it"

Im not sure if the question reads well. I will try to clarify if what I have written doesnt make sence.

btw emily I think nicole just quoted me because I said where I was from <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay well then I'm just being a confused dummy. lol Well there's clarification there in case anyone was the tiniest bit confused. Hahaha. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
you can have it for months and not know it, and then it shows up in a culture when it is "active". If you then treat it, and it responds to the treatment and they tell you "you aren't culturing MRSA anymore" that is true in one sense, but if you have ever had it in your body, it will always be there. As I said before, it's like having MONO or Herpies or something like that, or even AIDS and HIV. As long as it is dormant (not active and not causing your body problems) it won't show up on the cultures. But a year or two from now, (or longer) you might culture it again and it never went away, it was just dormant.
When a lab does a culture, they are usually able to locate even small traces of it. As said above though, if it is dormant in your body when they run a test (but you have previously cultured it) it doesn't mean you are cured or it is gone, it's just not active.

I hope that helps answer the question, it can be very confusing.



New member
i'm from ireland to. david and shamrock do any of u go to lourdes with the association or any of the outings.i might know u


New member
I dont. I went to Lourdes years ago but I'm cant go to any meetings now because of MRSA. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member

Please refer to the following article. Julie I am sorry but do not agree with your hiv/herpes analogy. MRSA is a bacteria that we can colonize but it can be eraticated. I know that many times we harbor infection but I truly believe that antibiotics and our own immune system can "kill" this bacteria. I know this because I have had multi-resistant strains of pseudomonas years ago that I haven't EVER cultured again. Under your theory we would have every bacteria we ever encountered for ever, that simply is not true.



New member
To the Irish anonymous, are you from Dublin? I went to Lourdes in 2001, Are they looking for applicants for this year yet? Or is it too late to apply? <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">