


My fiance has cf, and the doctors never really say much about what he is culturing. They just treat as needed. Well he got a print out of his last visit and it says MRSA. This is the first mention of this we've ever seen or heard. He was on oral anti biotic after his appointment 3 months ago, and now he's on them again, just for 2 weeks. They mentioned he could go in for a tune up, but that he doesn't really seem sick enough to need one and he actually put on 8 pounds since his last visit. They want him back to 95 for pfts though, and are hoping this round of antibiotics will do that. Isn't there something more we should or could be doing? How did he even get mrsa? He was in the hospital last summer, but he wasn't culturing it then, at least they never said he was. It just drives me crazy they beyond saying he had staph they never really mention or address what he's culturing, nor treat it until we go back 3 months later. Shouldn't mrsa be trrated immediately?
I relate CFgf. We changed clinics for this similar reason. Its is very frustrating that some clinics do not share with the patients ways to prevent bacterias or when you get them any words or actions that can be taken. I've been there. I'm sure they know but maybe their manners are not very good. If they don't think it should be treated they probably know. Just follow their directions as they do know but may not be good communicators like our old clinic which is unfortunate.


Super Moderator
You can always request a hard copy (or electronic copy) of all test results. We always call for results after the culture and I can see on line so I know what he is culturing and susceptiability to antibiotics. I think it's good practice to always review because mistakes are made, sometimes doctors or nurses are on vacation or staff turns over. I thought they tried to eradicate MRSA on the first culture, but am not positive. I know that with some bacterias they don't treat unless issues arise, but when you know the cultures you can discuss and why they don't treat and options and make an informed decision based on the doctor's expertise. Also, fyi I think there is a trial now for those with MRSA...check out Good luck.


The same providers have worked in this clinic for years. He only changed doctors when he went from pediatric to adult clinic. It's very frustrating as last visit they didn't mention it and he didn't get a visit summary. It makes me nervous that we are just supposed to do this one pill for 2 weeks and wait til the next visit to see if his pfts are up..
somehow I feel like there needs to be more done...


Super Moderator
He can always call and ask the nurse if there is a more proactive approach to eradicating MRSA that the doctor would be comfortable with. There are often different options for treatment and doctors are typically open to doing something more proactive or stronger if a patient requests and is informed of the reasoning.


I so deeply regret not treating my son's MRSA aggressively when it first appeared, maybe 7-8 years ago, but it was not the norm then to treat it. Eradication (or the attempt) IS the norm now. Many people are having serious problems stemming from MRSA and my son has declined precipitously in the last few years, all due to MRSA. Get rid of it if you can and certainly treat it!


I called and left a message for someone to call me about this. My fiance is freaking out about it. I think we need to do something! So hopefully his doctor will agree.
What a blessing he has in you! You seem to absolutely care about him and are trying to do your best for him. I can tell you love him. I hope the doctor agrees to try IV's in an attempt to eradicate it.


Super Moderator
MRSI can easily be acquired from different sources.But it is my recollection that of a CFer generally acquires MRSA in their lungs from their hospital, clinic, or other CFers. I would really suggest that you ask for a referral or consult with an infectious disease specialist. They deal with MRSA all the time. That is their area of specialty. Although obviously cf pulmonologists encounter it quite frequently. I also recall seeing a new study that indicates a double antibiotic combination can be extremely successful in eradicating MRSA if that is the initial treatment. If it is not cleared out immediately , even the double combination is successful in only a small percentage of cases. So yes, eradication is extremely difficult but possible. I have found that the attitude of most CF clinicians is that if MRSA is not causing exacerbations, then they leave it alone. When it causes problems, then they treat. Unfortunately, I am also aware of studies that indicate MRSA decreases the life span of a CFer by an average of six and a half years. So although it's common, and rarely treated, it is worth trying very hard to eradicate initially. I am dealing with lots of dic appointments today but i will pull the references for yOu soon. In the meantime, I strongly suggest you call and make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist as well as your pulmonologist to indicate that you want to be more aggressive. I would also ask your CF center for the date on which you first cultured MRSA.

As for the issue you're having with getting information and records. I had a similar problem which took me almost two years to improve. I constantly requested the records through my pulmonologist whenever I was at visits. I called and discussed the issue repeatedly with the nurses, office manager and patient advocates. I also wrote the Hospital Administrator and even received a call back. And I also contacted the Hospitals Legal Department. I met loTs of resistance and excuses as well as agreement. But it wasn't until very recently that I walked into our Clinic appointment and was handed a copy of the most recent reports as a new normal. You can always get a copy of your records by written request to the Records Department, but I suspect you will be charged for those. The kind of information you are wanting - current culture results, PFTs, x ray or film results - should be baseline info for everyone. Keep pressing, potentially even contacting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation that sets the standards for CF Centers.



Well for now it seems the doctor is unconcerned, that this is normal. I do not know when he first cultured it, they said it didn't grow on his culture from Monday only sensitive staph. They said they don't try to eradicate it in adults, that 20 t0 30 percent of adult patients have it, and that it may just pop up from time to time. That it doesn't mean it's gone, sputum might just be from a different area of the lungs. He's on a 10 day minocin script that should cover staph and mrsa. They also said that everyone thinks it comes from hospitals but really it's everywhere that it could be picked up. So I guess we do nothing now. And hope for better lung function at the next appointment. If I push it with my fiance he will just get frustrated, he's not the researcher like I am..I don't know what to do...
I was going to say that but I didn't know if they could try to eradicate it. If it hasn't shown up in a culture before then I don't understand why they wouldn't try. You might call another clinic that is anywhere near you and ask their advice. That happened to us and I did switch clinics and the new one did try to eradicate but it did not work. I have been told that whenever any bacteria gets in the lungs it usually stays there even if it is "controlled" by antibiotics as the mucus is thick and sticky. If it does not show up in a different culture I have been told it is usually from a different part of the lungs. They can tell you what the amount is that he cultured. There is a small category, a middle category, and a large amount. You should ask that. Try not to worry as I have found out that many of my worries are just that - worries. They have not came true thus far and from what I had known they should have. If you believe in God I would certainly start praying every day for him. That has been tremendous for us. I do believe God can and will do anything. He loves your fiancé too.


If I remember everything the doctor said, it might have shown up before, a few years ago, but usually it doesnt. We don't really have another clinic to go to, the one he sees now is about an hour and a half away, anywhere else would be at least 3 hours. He's gone to this one since being diagnosed at 3 months old, he's comfortable there. I just hope this doesn't become a huge issue, and maybe his next culture won't show it either. He had a steno...bug culture once maybe 6 months ago, maybe longer and hasn't had that since either...who knows.


New member
I culture MRSA, even though it doesn't show up in high numbers in each lung. My family and I have unaffectionately dubbed my left lung the "Pseudo lung" and the right lung the "MRSA lung." It seems when a sputum sample comes from the left side, pseudo is really the only common bug. When the sample comes from the right side, it's more MRSA.

I don't really know how to answer about the lack of answers from the clinic, aside from becoming demanding. Don't take no or "maybe" for an answer. It's your boyfriend's medical information and he has the right to know every single detail.


Hello there,
I recently found some info for treating mrsa. I have CF and last may I had pneumonia due to mrsa. I was treated with antibiotics. I don't believe it was fully gone because in Nov I was hospitalized again with pneumonia again cultured mrsa. some how I stumbled across a web site that treats mrsa using organisms. Much safer on the body than antibiotics. If I ever test positive again for mrsa I will try this treatment. Its expensive and not covered by insurance. I'm not a huge fan of antibiotics. I haven't needed them since i was in Jr high. I'm 45 now.
Heres the web site.
Good luck. And always ask so many questions at the Dr's. its his health and they should take the time to explain everything. I go to a wonderful adult CF clinic in Boston mass at Mass. General. Dr. Sicilian
Be well.