MSNbc Article : FDA probing death linked to new antibiotic...


New member
Article : FDA probing death linked to new antibiotic...

I came across this article on another CF site, thought it needed to be shared with everyone....

"Researchers reported Friday three cases of severe liver problems, including one death, in patients at a North Carolina hospital after they began taking a novel antibiotic...."


New member
Ya know, sorry to everyone involved in this, noone deserves this kind of crap. But if you are an adult with CF now, and don't know how some essemtial oils can basically save your life, well, you don't read many forums.

In summation: Another "great and powerful antibiotic drug" was inevitably shown to be as overtly destructive as it was/is subvertly destructive as it is.

(from me) Our saviours to our problems are all around us, not something any of the elders will casually tell each other that we ran into it tonight.


New member
Thanks for the link on the antibiotic, I appreciated it.

We do need antibiotics from time to time-they aren't fun, but neccesary. I worry about side effects too.

I would be cautious in making a blanket statement that oils 'can save your life.'
They can help Definately...but aren't a cure. I also don't think it's very nice to make people feel like they are ignorant if they haven't tried oils for their CF.



You have to take the good with the bad, antibiotics may have there down side but by far their pros outweigh their cons. I have said it before and I will say it again. Life expectancy 25 years ago was 12, now it is 30ish. Not because of oregeno and thyme but but because of modern medicine. If folks want to try oils in conjunction with their prescribed regimen that is up to you. But to push aside modern advancements for "magic beans" is reckless and irresponsible. My life is far to valuable for me to risk on it a carpetbagger selling unproven dreams door to door.



New member
Nothing, I repeat Nothing in life can have an action without a reaction. Antibiotics definitely serve their purpose & some CFers have proven for themselves that oils either in addition to or in replace of antibiotics work......however just as there are side affects with the antibiotics even SeanDavis will have to admit there are potentials for use of the oils.....bronchial spasm (cinnamon) & potential for hemotysis (oregano I believe). The difference as it has been discusssed before is the antibiotics are regulated making it a bit easier to do studies, see results & pass the information on. Please do undermind the advances in medicines just like U dont want us to undermind your positive results in experimenting with oils!

And if U are going to say U didnt mean it that way.....which I know you will because I am sure U didnt, but sometimes your drive to alert people & encourage people to take things in their own hands & not as much in the doctors can erase the positive for those that are too scared or too neglegent in doing it themselves!


New member
Interesting information. It's important to note one disctinction, however. Liver damage is a KNOWN DANGER associated with Katek. The knowledge of this danger comes from studies of the drug. On the other hand, while there have been a few short-term efficacy studies of oregano oil in non-CF patients, there have been no long-term or high-dose safety studies of it and none that take into account the many complications of CF. We just don't know, for instance, what toll these megadoses of oil have on the liver and kidneys. With antibiotics, we do know, and so we monitor our organ functions while we take the drugs. We also know the exact benefit that comes with the risk, and we know the correct dosing. That a substance is "natural" or "herbal" doesn't exempt it from the same concerns we have about pharmaceutical drugs. The problem is that with things like oragano oil, these concerns are addressed only by herbalists themselves -- usually ones trying to sell you something -- and only anecdotally.



New member
Thank you for posting the link, Danyell. =-)

If anyone wants to see the three casees in any more detail, it is in a medical journal at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

I think it is worthy to note the man who died waited eight days before telling his doctor of the side effects, while the man who recorved without hospital treatement told his doctor the day after.

Of course antibiotics can be dangerous, but that is why they all come with those little information sheets. =-) When we know what to watch out for, there isn't as much risk for permament damage.


New member
Thats Ketek, one of the best oral antibiotics I ever used and still use so often. It saved me from hospitalization several times. It lost its efficacy lately, but it was a great med. Moreover, its not new for me. I first used it in 2003. Its weird that many dont know about it. Every antibiotic has its disadvantages so its not a big deal. I dont think we should make a fuss out of it. Thx for telling us anyways.