My advice for teenagers


New member
Yup, As a kid I was in gymnastics (actually all the way through college). I also swam very often in the summers. Even to this day I walk or bike instead of getting in the car. I am unfortunately too old for gymnastics.
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<br />Even for the people who can't do gymnastics, walking to the market, or taking the stairs helps. It's just a matter of breaking the habit of sitting around all the time (admittedly hard to do when you don't feel well). The earlier you break this habit the better, so you guys in your young teens take a lesson for us old folks.
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<br />I'm a big computer nerd and I will sit on the computer and make music, edit photos, design web pages etc. for hours. I have to force myself to take a break and go for a bike ride or something. Your future health might depend on breaking a few bad habits
i am 21. I have struggled with doing my treatments all my life. I just need someone to talk to that has cf and knows what im going through. i read what you rote and i am in the hospital and i hate being here and i have better things to do then be here. I was wondering if you could help me through this. Feel free to add me if you want cuz i dont know how to be looking to hear for you soon.<div><br></div><div>                     thank you </div><div>                  christopher</div>
i am 21. I have struggled with doing my treatments all my life. I just need someone to talk to that has cf and knows what im going through. i read what you rote and i am in the hospital and i hate being here and i have better things to do then be here. I was wondering if you could help me through this. Feel free to add me if you want cuz i dont know how to be looking to hear for you soon.<br> thank you christopher
i am 21. I have struggled with doing my treatments all my life. I just need someone to talk to that has cf and knows what im going through. i read what you rote and i am in the hospital and i hate being here and i have better things to do then be here. I was wondering if you could help me through this. Feel free to add me if you want cuz i dont know how to be looking to hear for you soon.<br> thank you christopher


More important advice: Don't depend too much on your doctors - they serve one master, and you're not it. Reserach natural therapies, because docs won't (no money in it for them). There are MANY that offer hope, and those that only believe in doctor's advice are missing out big time! Before the internet, such reseach was difficult, but now anyone can do it. Mother nature has many wonders that people used to use all the time before pharmaceutical companies erased the public's memory. Among the best therapies out there now is 'salt therapy in a salt room'. It's huge in E. Europe and Russia, where healing comes way before profits. Do the research.


More important advice: Don't depend too much on your doctors - they serve one master, and you're not it. Reserach natural therapies, because docs won't (no money in it for them). There are MANY that offer hope, and those that only believe in doctor's advice are missing out big time! Before the internet, such reseach was difficult, but now anyone can do it. Mother nature has many wonders that people used to use all the time before pharmaceutical companies erased the public's memory. Among the best therapies out there now is 'salt therapy in a salt room'. It's huge in E. Europe and Russia, where healing comes way before profits. Do the research.


More important advice: Don't depend too much on your doctors - they serve one master, and you're not it. Reserach natural therapies, because docs won't (no money in it for them). There are MANY that offer hope, and those that only believe in doctor's advice are missing out big time! Before the internet, such reseach was difficult, but now anyone can do it. Mother nature has many wonders that people used to use all the time before pharmaceutical companies erased the public's memory. Among the best therapies out there now is 'salt therapy in a salt room'. It's huge in E. Europe and Russia, where healing comes way before profits. Do the research.


New member
Memberx, you make a very good point, but I would expand on it. Many people whom I have encountered here and elsewhere really don't seem to have a good grasp on Cf. What it is, how it works, what to expect. That's one of the great things about this forum, the ability to learn from one another. Many people don't learn early, though. They learn after they have a problem. Study up, CF is a complicated disease affecting multiple organ systems. You'll be much better prepared to spot problems and make decisions about your treatment if you are well informed.


New member
Memberx, you make a very good point, but I would expand on it. Many people whom I have encountered here and elsewhere really don't seem to have a good grasp on Cf. What it is, how it works, what to expect. That's one of the great things about this forum, the ability to learn from one another. Many people don't learn early, though. They learn after they have a problem. Study up, CF is a complicated disease affecting multiple organ systems. You'll be much better prepared to spot problems and make decisions about your treatment if you are well informed.


New member
Memberx, you make a very good point, but I would expand on it. Many people whom I have encountered here and elsewhere really don't seem to have a good grasp on Cf. What it is, how it works, what to expect. That's one of the great things about this forum, the ability to learn from one another. Many people don't learn early, though. They learn after they have a problem. Study up, CF is a complicated disease affecting multiple organ systems. You'll be much better prepared to spot problems and make decisions about your treatment if you are well informed.


New member
Guys like everyone says do you treatments, because they help the transition from like John to like me. I'm also 30, party threw high school drop out join the army then got my head on strait. Up until 24 I was like John but pfts were 120% fev1 but because I didnt do treatments the Mrsa I had flared and almost put me in a coma. I now have 21% fev1 on good days and I'm o2 so learn. After 3 bad relationships including devorce, I'm swearing of women, unless she's a nurse then I have torment device, in the mean time, I've lived a lot like others be safe and If you want to talk doesn't matter time message me, and we can talk


New member
Guys like everyone says do you treatments, because they help the transition from like John to like me. I'm also 30, party threw high school drop out join the army then got my head on strait. Up until 24 I was like John but pfts were 120% fev1 but because I didnt do treatments the Mrsa I had flared and almost put me in a coma. I now have 21% fev1 on good days and I'm o2 so learn. After 3 bad relationships including devorce, I'm swearing of women, unless she's a nurse then I have torment device, in the mean time, I've lived a lot like others be safe and If you want to talk doesn't matter time message me, and we can talk


New member
Guys like everyone says do you treatments, because they help the transition from like John to like me. I'm also 30, party threw high school drop out join the army then got my head on strait. Up until 24 I was like John but pfts were 120% fev1 but because I didnt do treatments the Mrsa I had flared and almost put me in a coma. I now have 21% fev1 on good days and I'm o2 so learn. After 3 bad relationships including devorce, I'm swearing of women, unless she's a nurse then I have torment device, in the mean time, I've lived a lot like others be safe and If you want to talk doesn't matter time message me, and we can talk