My boyfriend has CF



My boyfriend is 19 years old and I just found out not more than 5 months ago that he has CF and another digestive disorder that causes him to have problems with weight gain. He smokes marijuana in order to obtain an appetite. Does anyone else use marijuana or have any other sort of information or support about CF that they could provide me with? I am feeling quite lost, scared and confused about everything and I would like information from anyone willing to give it to me. I would like to know all the kinds of cures out there possible that have worked for people. I think in the long run marijuana is not the medicine that will help him live into his older years. I want him to live forever! Please help me! He doesnt seem to care to much about keeping himself heathy. It is like he has given up, and I don't want him to do this, I want him to live into his 50's! Is there anything I can say to him that would make him understand where I am coming from? Please help if you can. Thank you<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
There is an appetite stimulant called marinol which is a pill derived from marijuana that helps increase the appetite. But considering his CF, he should NOT be under any circumstances smoking anything. Marinol is a pill that can be prescribed by doctors.

I was 16 when I met my now husband (and he was 19) and kind of in that semi-self destructive, experimental stage of life. Parties, drinking, I know where you are coming from. If you would like to talk, feel free to email me at

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Hi, my name is Janna im 13 I have a cousin that just turned 19 and has CF. He is haveing a really hard time to.he was smoking but now he has quit. but now he's into drinking and playing poker and around kids that smoke.I kno it can't be good for him with the smoke in the house it's bad enough for people without a lung disorder ! his girlfriend is having a hard itme dealing wiht him,well,we all r,cause he doesnt really care enough himself, about himself . he does not do his right treaments daily and doesnt take his medication. there is really nothing we can do for him but PRAY, he has no hope for himself. if u wanna e-mail me i would be glad to tlk to u.


New member
I can't start to imagine how difficult it is for all of you, but you must live life to the full all the time with those you love. I am doing an essay for my a levels on cystic fibrosis in biology, and I find it very interesting. I was wondering if anyone could give me an insight into their problems and how they manage to deal with it. You are all so brave ,


New member
My BF has CF as well and I know what you are going through. Your BF shouldn't be smoking with his CF but you or anyone else can't stop him I know that you want to make sure that he is ok and that he is looking after himself but he really has to help himself. My BF went off the rails a bit when we first started to go out I felt totally helpless and was really worried for him but in a way I think me always telling him what to do even got to him more. What I did was have a long talk with him told him excatly how I felt and left him to think things through in the end he came to his senses I know that this might not work for you but maybe you could try and tell him that he shouldn't be smoking and how it makes you upset and then let him have a bit a space to think things through if he really cares about you which I am sure he does he will eventually listen. Hope this helps you out a bit


New member
ah well i think you should let him know before he learnt that u ve cf from anybody. i'm sure he would go devasted if you didn't tell sooner but he might hear it from anyone. just wish u luck! i suggest u to asked julie, she is great help to everyone in this site. i know she will help u. hope sshe is around somewhere, and there is more of course


New member
To the last annonymous poster, I really appreciate the kind words you said, thank you very much.

To the initial poster, I know what it is like to have someone you love with CF, and for them not to care about their health too much. If you ever do need someone to talk to, you can email me at

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Hi to the top message you deffinatly need to get your boy away from the weed as it will harm his lungs and that could be faital and I dont think that he realises the harm he is doing to himself or to others in the emotional sence that you are in .There are medicines that he can get that wont coinside with the medication that he takes for CF and will up his weight.
Good Luck love
El Taro