My Dad is done fighting he's at peace


New member
I am sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts & feelings with us.
I agree, I think your 15 month old daughters saw Granpy in the van. Who knows, maybe he's their guardian angel now?
You're in my thoughts/prayers.

Breathe easy Dwight.....


New member
I'm sorry for your loss! What your little girl kept saying "Happy", gave me goosebumps! Her whole experience in the car gave me chills. I think that's something to hold on to.

You'll be in my thoughts.



New member
Amy, I'm so sorry for your loss. Your dad sounds like an incredible man. I think its awesome that he found a way to communicate his happiness to your daughters. How wonderful and comforting that must be.............
I'll keep you and your family in my prayers <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I am so sorry Amy.  I can only hope that our little John can
be as strong and loving as your father was to you.  From
reading your posts I can sense how great of a person he was.
 You are in our thoughts.


New member
I am very emotional today and I am crying tears of sadness and joy for you. Sadness of your Dad's suffering and joy because he is at peace and has sent you all a beautiful message. I will always remember your post about your Dad. Please make a blog one day of your Father.


I've followed all your posts thus far and I'm so sorry for your
loss. It is a loss for all of us to lose a person with CF. I
understand so well the struggle and the suffering and I'm glad your
father is happy now.<br>
When my grandmother died (of cancer) several years ago, she
constantly came to me in dreams etc. I truly believe that the souls
of the dead try their hardest to communicate with us, to let us
know they're OK and that they follow us on earth. They even say
that animals and children can more easily communicate/notice these
souls because of their innocence. Call me crazy, but sometimes my
dog barks at nothing and I swear my grandmother is there.<br>
thinking of you


New member
I am so sorry to hear this. May your dad be at peace and breathe easy finally. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless.


New member
I am so sorry for your loss. It will be most difficult for you and
family. Just know that you were much loved by your Father. He
is at rest now and with his Bothers. Please let us know how
you are doing.<br>
<b>Randford</b>, 43/CF/Ostio


New member
Amy, I'm so sorry to hear your dad died. Thank you for sharing him with us. His spirit sounds so strong, and I loved hearing about him treasuring the details of life and worrying about your driveways. That says so much to me. I wish you any comfort you can find.