I'm hoping to hear from some Adults with CF. I can't talk
with my Dad. It's too painful.<br>
My Dad (stepfather) will be 53 next month. He is
currently in the hospital he says for the last time. He has
always been so upbeat and strong when fighting this disease.
He has been the only father figure I have known. He in
the past have had about 1 hospital stay a year and physically could
do just about anything. After his hospital stay this past
December he has been steadily declining. He really can't do
anything now, can't go shopping etc. I have 2 14month old
twins that he can' t even hold anymore. He in the past 3
months had gotten very angry. He's been very short with
everyone. Has no patience. Has bouts of memory loss.
He just seems confused. It was so painful watching him
have such a hard time and to be so difficult with my mom.
Finally, this past week he said that he's done, he just didn't want
to live this life anymore. He severed ties with his CF Doctor
and went to his primary care physician and stated what his wishes
were. He doesn't want any extraordinary means to keep him
alive. His CF Doctor kept insisting on putting in a chest
tube. His primary care agreed. My father agreed to a 3
day hospital stay at the local hospital to do an evaluation.
The Dr. says he has about 6 months or less to live and asked
my father if he wanted a dose of antibiotics to tide him over.
They put in the picc line and he's getting 3 kinds of
antibiotics. Honestly, the only one I can remember now is
TOBI, which he's always taken. I went to visit him last night
and he was like a different man. He was happy, cracking
jokes, still very sick but otherwise very content. He started
giving things away to my brother and I. Saying he was going
to stay alive long enough to get his affairs in order, and then
that was it. I am so sad. I should be prepared for this
and I am finding that I am not. I wish I could talk with him
about how he's feeling about this one on one, but I can't I don't
want to cry in front of him, especially since he seems so at peace
with this decision. I know this is very personal, but what is
your outlook on this? How would you like your family to react if
you were in my father's same situation? I can never put
myself in his or any other person that deals with a terminal
illness shoes. But I want to understand. I want to make
sure that however long we have left that I am a support to him.<br>
Thanks for your thoughts.<br>
Amy O.
with my Dad. It's too painful.<br>
My Dad (stepfather) will be 53 next month. He is
currently in the hospital he says for the last time. He has
always been so upbeat and strong when fighting this disease.
He has been the only father figure I have known. He in
the past have had about 1 hospital stay a year and physically could
do just about anything. After his hospital stay this past
December he has been steadily declining. He really can't do
anything now, can't go shopping etc. I have 2 14month old
twins that he can' t even hold anymore. He in the past 3
months had gotten very angry. He's been very short with
everyone. Has no patience. Has bouts of memory loss.
He just seems confused. It was so painful watching him
have such a hard time and to be so difficult with my mom.
Finally, this past week he said that he's done, he just didn't want
to live this life anymore. He severed ties with his CF Doctor
and went to his primary care physician and stated what his wishes
were. He doesn't want any extraordinary means to keep him
alive. His CF Doctor kept insisting on putting in a chest
tube. His primary care agreed. My father agreed to a 3
day hospital stay at the local hospital to do an evaluation.
The Dr. says he has about 6 months or less to live and asked
my father if he wanted a dose of antibiotics to tide him over.
They put in the picc line and he's getting 3 kinds of
antibiotics. Honestly, the only one I can remember now is
TOBI, which he's always taken. I went to visit him last night
and he was like a different man. He was happy, cracking
jokes, still very sick but otherwise very content. He started
giving things away to my brother and I. Saying he was going
to stay alive long enough to get his affairs in order, and then
that was it. I am so sad. I should be prepared for this
and I am finding that I am not. I wish I could talk with him
about how he's feeling about this one on one, but I can't I don't
want to cry in front of him, especially since he seems so at peace
with this decision. I know this is very personal, but what is
your outlook on this? How would you like your family to react if
you were in my father's same situation? I can never put
myself in his or any other person that deals with a terminal
illness shoes. But I want to understand. I want to make
sure that however long we have left that I am a support to him.<br>
Thanks for your thoughts.<br>
Amy O.