My finger nails will not grow and break so easy



I am on IVS and I am waiting to see what it s I am growing but lately my Finger nails are so soft and break so easy that they will not grow,Now that I am iV Sodium Chloride they seem to be growing much stronger and firmer Has this happened to any one else?


New member
Take calcium supplements!
My CF DR put me on a calcium supplement & I now have to cut my nails sometimes twice a week; it's a real pain!
I hate cutting my nails but I hate having broken nails even worse so I keep them short.
Its the same with my toe nails. They've been growing horribly fast & I hate it!
I think a calcium supplement will do wonders for you. CF'ers have are notorious for osteoporosis too, so your DR may want you on a calcium supplement.
Good luck, I hope I've helped in some way.


My nails always do better when I am upping my vitamin and omega 3 intake.


Thank You so much I was giving Calcuim but it was so hard to take because it always interfeared with the Anttibitics so I stopped taking But I will get back to them thanks so much I love having pretty nails!


No matter what I usually do I always have flaking dry brittle nails. I started using a product that Sally Hansen makes, it's a acrylic strengthening gel you paint on like regular polish. Amazing stuff. It finally gave my nails a fighting chance to actually grow. They look awesome now and are much thicker & healthier. It's about 6 dollars for a bottle at any drugstore I presume. I bought mine at target- it's in a little blue bottle. So if you're looking for more of a quick fix I would definitely suggest that! It dries pretty fast and hardens quite nicely.


It is so nice to here from others thank you for all the tips I will be getting Calcuim and Sally Hansen Where else could others indentify thanks again and have a wonderful Christmas