my friend has cf . how should i treat her


New member
my name is hunter

my friend of 8 years & never treated her different now she is haveing trouble. what should i do.


New member
Be there for her. Tell her that you'll be there for her if she needs you, but don't treat her like she's sick. Us CFers are a tough bunch, we don't like to be treated any differently.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
What she said! Treat her the same you always have. Listen if she wants to talk. That's about the best you can do. Be there for her and such.


New member
Treat her like an ogar. Tell her she has an extremely large head for her size..... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Then tell her tekno says hi <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Treat her the same way as you did before you might have tochange some things or take it slow but as long as she feels up to doing things then do them. My friends have had to cope with me having CF it takes some time to get used to but it all will work out and in the end it makes you friendship stronger.


New member
Treat her as if she didn't have CF - things will definitely work out. You sound like a good friend to ask that question in the first place.

Good luck.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
the best thing to do is like everyone else is saying don't treat her different, be there for her, listen when she needs it. She will really appreciate it.


New member
Hunter, sometimes people with CF go through bad days because we wonder, why me? But then we have our good days where we are strong, be there for your friend and she will know that you were strong for her in a time she couldnt be strong herself.
You are a good friend to care and be there for her, dont worry, she will be okay. Just treat her like you always have. Good luck and ill be praying.
16 year old CF patient
Why would u even ask something like that.. See thats wat gets me mad everyone thinks that because were always sick and have troubles sometimes that were weird and diffrent but were not i mena it no diffrent from when you get a cold, and you have been friends with her for 8 years and it never bothered you dont let it now.. And if you do then no offense your not a good friend, when i get sick my friends are there for me and make sure im ok and when im not sick they are there for me and make sure im ok. DOnt treat her diff just be there for her liek you always have been


Dont think im tryna be mean im just saying it was wrong to even ask that question...


New member
dont treat her any diffrent she's still the same person she has always been just b there for her <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey im her friend my name is dani i think u people rox
thats exactly how i want hunter 2 treat me
and hi tekno
and im doin much beter
so if u want 2 chat here is my screen name


New member
hey im her friend my name is dani i think u people rox
thats exactly how i want hunter 2 treat me
and hi tekno
and im doin much beter
so if u want 2 chat here is my screen name