my genes


New member
You're an inspiration. I read about your competition. Great work!
Say, I was recently diagnosed and I wonder what your issues are as
well as LouLou's. My combination is so rare that only one other
person on the CF database has my combination. Delta F-508 and
P-140S. I really don't know what to expect and to be fair, we are
all different. I just wonder since we are heterozygous, meaning
having two separate genes, what are the usual problem to expect? So
far I'm OK. I don't know my PT levels yet but I have some problems.
That part I get. The rest is a mystery.<br>
I'm glad you are moving forward. It's easy to get down about it.
You have the right attitude! Kudos!<br>
<b>Randford,</b> male, 43 w/CF


New member
I just read my mutations they are Delta F508 and G542X, but it also said 'assumed same as brothers' so I could be different or the same as my brothers.