My heart broke this afternoon...


New member
Hubby did a fabulous job with Abby at the clinic visit today. In some ways I am glad that he went with her instead of me. I would have been a puddle of mess trying to get home from the clinic. Thank you to all who left me comments and suggestions. He was well armed and I got a pretty good run-down when I got home.

Abby has an ear infection and has some chest congestion that concerns them. We are now doing breathing treatments 3 times a day and are doing CPT. I knew all of this would be work, but I just had NO IDEA how much. Since it has been almost a year since we've needed to do breathing treatments, it was a struggle. Before when she had RSV she was too sick to complain. She cried. I cried. I felt totally helpless and frustrated at the same time.

I would greatly appreciate any help, advice, suggestions you could share to make the time pass more quickly or to make it easier on Abby. If I can get her to "enjoy" the breathing treatments, I won't feel as frustrated and like I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance!



New member
Hubby did a fabulous job with Abby at the clinic visit today. In some ways I am glad that he went with her instead of me. I would have been a puddle of mess trying to get home from the clinic. Thank you to all who left me comments and suggestions. He was well armed and I got a pretty good run-down when I got home.

Abby has an ear infection and has some chest congestion that concerns them. We are now doing breathing treatments 3 times a day and are doing CPT. I knew all of this would be work, but I just had NO IDEA how much. Since it has been almost a year since we've needed to do breathing treatments, it was a struggle. Before when she had RSV she was too sick to complain. She cried. I cried. I felt totally helpless and frustrated at the same time.

I would greatly appreciate any help, advice, suggestions you could share to make the time pass more quickly or to make it easier on Abby. If I can get her to "enjoy" the breathing treatments, I won't feel as frustrated and like I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance!



New member
Hubby did a fabulous job with Abby at the clinic visit today. In some ways I am glad that he went with her instead of me. I would have been a puddle of mess trying to get home from the clinic. Thank you to all who left me comments and suggestions. He was well armed and I got a pretty good run-down when I got home.

Abby has an ear infection and has some chest congestion that concerns them. We are now doing breathing treatments 3 times a day and are doing CPT. I knew all of this would be work, but I just had NO IDEA how much. Since it has been almost a year since we've needed to do breathing treatments, it was a struggle. Before when she had RSV she was too sick to complain. She cried. I cried. I felt totally helpless and frustrated at the same time.

I would greatly appreciate any help, advice, suggestions you could share to make the time pass more quickly or to make it easier on Abby. If I can get her to "enjoy" the breathing treatments, I won't feel as frustrated and like I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance!



New member
Hubby did a fabulous job with Abby at the clinic visit today. In some ways I am glad that he went with her instead of me. I would have been a puddle of mess trying to get home from the clinic. Thank you to all who left me comments and suggestions. He was well armed and I got a pretty good run-down when I got home.

Abby has an ear infection and has some chest congestion that concerns them. We are now doing breathing treatments 3 times a day and are doing CPT. I knew all of this would be work, but I just had NO IDEA how much. Since it has been almost a year since we've needed to do breathing treatments, it was a struggle. Before when she had RSV she was too sick to complain. She cried. I cried. I felt totally helpless and frustrated at the same time.

I would greatly appreciate any help, advice, suggestions you could share to make the time pass more quickly or to make it easier on Abby. If I can get her to "enjoy" the breathing treatments, I won't feel as frustrated and like I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance!



New member
Hubby did a fabulous job with Abby at the clinic visit today. In some ways I am glad that he went with her instead of me. I would have been a puddle of mess trying to get home from the clinic. Thank you to all who left me comments and suggestions. He was well armed and I got a pretty good run-down when I got home.

Abby has an ear infection and has some chest congestion that concerns them. We are now doing breathing treatments 3 times a day and are doing CPT. I knew all of this would be work, but I just had NO IDEA how much. Since it has been almost a year since we've needed to do breathing treatments, it was a struggle. Before when she had RSV she was too sick to complain. She cried. I cried. I felt totally helpless and frustrated at the same time.

I would greatly appreciate any help, advice, suggestions you could share to make the time pass more quickly or to make it easier on Abby. If I can get her to "enjoy" the breathing treatments, I won't feel as frustrated and like I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance!



Hi Em. It's tough to work in a 3rd and 4th treatment for the day - you basically end up structuring your whole day around them. I know there will be a lot of varied opinions here, but 'Signing Time', 'Baby Einstein' and similar DVDs have proven tremendously helpful with keeping Thomas' attention during his treatments. It's definitely not a 100% thing but it does help most of the time.

Hang in there and good luck.


Hi Em. It's tough to work in a 3rd and 4th treatment for the day - you basically end up structuring your whole day around them. I know there will be a lot of varied opinions here, but 'Signing Time', 'Baby Einstein' and similar DVDs have proven tremendously helpful with keeping Thomas' attention during his treatments. It's definitely not a 100% thing but it does help most of the time.

Hang in there and good luck.


Hi Em. It's tough to work in a 3rd and 4th treatment for the day - you basically end up structuring your whole day around them. I know there will be a lot of varied opinions here, but 'Signing Time', 'Baby Einstein' and similar DVDs have proven tremendously helpful with keeping Thomas' attention during his treatments. It's definitely not a 100% thing but it does help most of the time.

Hang in there and good luck.


Hi Em. It's tough to work in a 3rd and 4th treatment for the day - you basically end up structuring your whole day around them. I know there will be a lot of varied opinions here, but 'Signing Time', 'Baby Einstein' and similar DVDs have proven tremendously helpful with keeping Thomas' attention during his treatments. It's definitely not a 100% thing but it does help most of the time.

Hang in there and good luck.


Hi Em. It's tough to work in a 3rd and 4th treatment for the day - you basically end up structuring your whole day around them. I know there will be a lot of varied opinions here, but 'Signing Time', 'Baby Einstein' and similar DVDs have proven tremendously helpful with keeping Thomas' attention during his treatments. It's definitely not a 100% thing but it does help most of the time.

Hang in there and good luck.


Staff member
Ugh, I feel for you. This is the time DS would struggle for us. We'd distract him by letting him watch barney on the DVD player, sing songs. Unlike starting CPT right away and actually having your child drift to sleep, which is what DS did as a newborn, I've heard time and time from parents that it's really a struggle to start it at this age. Friend of mine's granddaughter would struggle for an HOUR. Just be patient, try to distract. Find something she really really likes -- music, singing, standing on your head. Eventually it will get easier. I imagine it's a shock to suddenly get beaten. On the bright side -- screaming gives those lungs a good work out. At least that's what we told ourselves during about age 18 months to 20 months when we had major struggles


Staff member
Ugh, I feel for you. This is the time DS would struggle for us. We'd distract him by letting him watch barney on the DVD player, sing songs. Unlike starting CPT right away and actually having your child drift to sleep, which is what DS did as a newborn, I've heard time and time from parents that it's really a struggle to start it at this age. Friend of mine's granddaughter would struggle for an HOUR. Just be patient, try to distract. Find something she really really likes -- music, singing, standing on your head. Eventually it will get easier. I imagine it's a shock to suddenly get beaten. On the bright side -- screaming gives those lungs a good work out. At least that's what we told ourselves during about age 18 months to 20 months when we had major struggles


Staff member
Ugh, I feel for you. This is the time DS would struggle for us. We'd distract him by letting him watch barney on the DVD player, sing songs. Unlike starting CPT right away and actually having your child drift to sleep, which is what DS did as a newborn, I've heard time and time from parents that it's really a struggle to start it at this age. Friend of mine's granddaughter would struggle for an HOUR. Just be patient, try to distract. Find something she really really likes -- music, singing, standing on your head. Eventually it will get easier. I imagine it's a shock to suddenly get beaten. On the bright side -- screaming gives those lungs a good work out. At least that's what we told ourselves during about age 18 months to 20 months when we had major struggles


Staff member
Ugh, I feel for you. This is the time DS would struggle for us. We'd distract him by letting him watch barney on the DVD player, sing songs. Unlike starting CPT right away and actually having your child drift to sleep, which is what DS did as a newborn, I've heard time and time from parents that it's really a struggle to start it at this age. Friend of mine's granddaughter would struggle for an HOUR. Just be patient, try to distract. Find something she really really likes -- music, singing, standing on your head. Eventually it will get easier. I imagine it's a shock to suddenly get beaten. On the bright side -- screaming gives those lungs a good work out. At least that's what we told ourselves during about age 18 months to 20 months when we had major struggles


Staff member
Ugh, I feel for you. This is the time DS would struggle for us. We'd distract him by letting him watch barney on the DVD player, sing songs. Unlike starting CPT right away and actually having your child drift to sleep, which is what DS did as a newborn, I've heard time and time from parents that it's really a struggle to start it at this age. Friend of mine's granddaughter would struggle for an HOUR. Just be patient, try to distract. Find something she really really likes -- music, singing, standing on your head. Eventually it will get easier. I imagine it's a shock to suddenly get beaten. On the bright side -- screaming gives those lungs a good work out. At least that's what we told ourselves during about age 18 months to 20 months when we had major struggles


Hi Emily,

I am so sorry to hear that your schedule has taken such a drastic change. It's just as hard on the parents as it is on the little ones. All of the suggestions here for distraction are great. I might also suggest a reward system, similar to that of a "potty chart". ie...Abby gets one sticker every time she does her treatment with no difficulty. After X number of stickers on her chart, she gets to _________. Fill in a reward that would be a true incentive to her. I know with my kids, something visual really works so a chart she can be proud of and watch fill up might help out. Good luck!


Hi Emily,

I am so sorry to hear that your schedule has taken such a drastic change. It's just as hard on the parents as it is on the little ones. All of the suggestions here for distraction are great. I might also suggest a reward system, similar to that of a "potty chart". ie...Abby gets one sticker every time she does her treatment with no difficulty. After X number of stickers on her chart, she gets to _________. Fill in a reward that would be a true incentive to her. I know with my kids, something visual really works so a chart she can be proud of and watch fill up might help out. Good luck!


Hi Emily,

I am so sorry to hear that your schedule has taken such a drastic change. It's just as hard on the parents as it is on the little ones. All of the suggestions here for distraction are great. I might also suggest a reward system, similar to that of a "potty chart". ie...Abby gets one sticker every time she does her treatment with no difficulty. After X number of stickers on her chart, she gets to _________. Fill in a reward that would be a true incentive to her. I know with my kids, something visual really works so a chart she can be proud of and watch fill up might help out. Good luck!


Hi Emily,

I am so sorry to hear that your schedule has taken such a drastic change. It's just as hard on the parents as it is on the little ones. All of the suggestions here for distraction are great. I might also suggest a reward system, similar to that of a "potty chart". ie...Abby gets one sticker every time she does her treatment with no difficulty. After X number of stickers on her chart, she gets to _________. Fill in a reward that would be a true incentive to her. I know with my kids, something visual really works so a chart she can be proud of and watch fill up might help out. Good luck!


Hi Emily,

I am so sorry to hear that your schedule has taken such a drastic change. It's just as hard on the parents as it is on the little ones. All of the suggestions here for distraction are great. I might also suggest a reward system, similar to that of a "potty chart". ie...Abby gets one sticker every time she does her treatment with no difficulty. After X number of stickers on her chart, she gets to _________. Fill in a reward that would be a true incentive to her. I know with my kids, something visual really works so a chart she can be proud of and watch fill up might help out. Good luck!